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1976-02-11 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-02-11 PC Minutes
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MINIiTES OF THE M9UNDu VIEW <br />~LANNING COtM1I38I0N <br />/l'~, , February 11, 1976 <br />F ~ <br />The Mounds View Planning Commieaion was callad to order at tha Clty <br />Hul.l by ita vice-chairman Don Mackeben at 7:34 pm, on Wednasday, <br />Felaruary 11, 1576. The followiag members were present: Nancy <br />54rmeteter, Pau1 Fedor, Robert Roasman, Gerald Foc+s, Oon Mackeben. <br />Absent weres Barhara Haake, Phyllis glanchard and ttobert Glazer. <br />Ms. Haake arrived at 7:37 pm. <br />The minutea of the January 28, 1976, meeting were approved. 6 a,yes <br />2TEMS FOR <br />The pri.ncipal of Red Oak School, George Riehardaon, appaarad before <br />the Planning Commiasion requesting a special use permit for a trailer. <br />Hie echnol wae given a grant until, tentatively, July 1977, deaigned <br />to help parante with par.enting skilla thxaugh meetings, mhey hc~ve no <br />apace at Red Oak Schoo7. and want to purchase a trailer which would <br />be olar:ed on the Aed Oak side of the sohool. direutly adjaaent to <br />tha kinderg¢rtan. The pnlice chiof sent a indicating that <br />tha windowa would be obstructed on the weat eide, plus there would <br />ba a great chance of vandalism. Mr. Richardson stated they intended <br />to buy a 1971 reconditioned Marshfield Tratler. He did a person to <br />peraon pollfng of the homas on the 3 cornera of Red Oak Drive and <br />on 5herwood and the,y dia not objoct to the trailer and, in Eact~ <br />four o£ them enrolled thetr own children in tite proqram. He hae <br />1~ investigated tha churches in hie area (8 af them) xnd they have na <br />availaLle apace. He is presantly getting bida on wator and aewer, <br />otherwiae they will use tha school's facilities. The Einancinq oE <br />a portable ola~ernom was too hiqh. <br />Nanoy Burmeieter reminded him that under the code accupanay is 8 1/2 <br />people, and he had met~tionad 18 or 19 at a aesaion. Mr. Richardeon <br />atated that it is the only possibility for the proqram and the fire <br />chief has OKeS it. Also Richard Hauk cri the 3tate Huilding Coda ' <br />~ivision has assured him that many mobi2o home trailers hava been <br />used by put~lio sc:iool~. <br />Me. Haake eaid that we are trying to adhere to our codo mora ti~an <br />in the paet .Have y~u coneidere3 the Mounda View basemgnt? <br />Mr. Richardson replied that they would Med atorage space Eor ouppliee <br />and audio vieual ~qufpment, atc. Ar. Wittar, achool quperSntAndent, <br />L•hen ar.rived. f <br />Oon biackeben stated that he did not like the idea of a mobiie <br />home but maybe there is no alternative. <br />Nancy Durmeiater atated that eventually Rzd Oak ia going tc have <br />to go into something more permanent. She does noG like Zo tighten <br />~t by saying it haa to be this waf or that way. Sha doea not <br />agree with that theory, as the School Eoard should ba reaponaible <br />f~r the education cE the childre:~ and tho Planning Cammisaiott uhould <br />nat have khe put on them. Tha School District could probably <br />come up wit4. something. Ouz rosponeibility ie to aee that the codes <br />are upheld. <br />~ ~ Mr. soes statad that he felt tha prqpoaed motion ahould be tsblecT Eor <br />t~,d/ two weeks to dee if they cou2d Pind somothing He wante to eae <br />the program at the schoo2. Perhaps eomeihing coulc3 Be publiehed <br />
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