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1 ' . -2- <br />~ Auguet 9pitzer <br />')B89 Ftoodlawn. <br />Thie is a minor aubdiviainn requeet of 3 lobe. Tiys ~1lnieneione of <br />the exieting lot ia as fnllow9~ The Weet lot line ie 132.07' wide, <br />the »orth lot linn following Hillviow Road ie 263.55' long, and the <br />Eaat 10~. line Paoinq Bona Road !,e 131.83 '. Mr. 8pitzer'e request <br />ia for 3 lote Eacing Hillview of equal widtha oP 87.85 Eeat wide. <br />Thie requeet would give him 11,602 eq feet per lot. Our ordinanae <br />etatee thqt coruer lots ehal; be 12,SGJ eq feet. Thie wuuld areata <br />tiwo cubetandard aorner lqt•s, the lot on the weet bordered by Wondlawn <br />Cr. an3 HS1lviaw Rtad and the lot on the eaet border~ed by Bona Road <br />and Hiliviaw Road. <br />MSP (Haake°Zepper) to deny Mr. 8pitzer's requrest Eor the minor <br />eubdiLieion oE 3 lot9 as preeented thie evening. 6 syes ; <br />MtiP (Haake-Purmeister) that we raco.wnend to the Council approval <br />of u minrr subdiviaion far Mr. Au,uPt Spitzer, 7089 Waod~awn Dr., <br />to areatie two lota at that addreae aY these di.meneione: <br />The wagE lot will be 132.07 on the west lot line and 131.79 on the <br />north ',ot line. The esat lot wfll be 131.78' on the nnr~h and <br />131.83 on t5e east lot line, and that, if needed, a 5 foot esaement <br />be taken from ~he west lot line of the eaet lot and a 5 foot eaeement <br />from the eaet lot line of the weei: lot. 6 ayes <br />i~ Robert Carlson & Edwin Drappa <br />'t.r~1 White Oak Eetatea 3rd AQdit~on <br />Vacatiny aeearaants. <br />Upon Eiling,4 unneceeeary akreet eaeementa were found exiating on <br />the ¢r.oppYty and they must have them vacated beEore plaCting. E'urther, <br />tha atigl~ on 84th and Pleasan~vievr ie not correat: 37 min. 40 sec. <br />is the degree error. <br />MSP (Haakd-Blanchard) that we recammpnd L•o thc Council khat they <br />approve of. the vacation of the exiat3ng easemente as explained by <br />Mr. Rosa in bhe P7hite Oak Eatates 3rd Addfhion, on the initiale~ <br />Qrelimir~ary pla'c. 6 ayea <br />Adminiskrat,or Ac.hen then apoke to the Planniny Commie6lon. He <br />exp2ainecl the prop~sed contraet 2vith Midwest Planning noting the <br />difEerencas. It was auqgaeted that the last sentence be atruck. <br />Further, ha etated that the Council aame to the aonolueion that long <br />renge planning eliould begin on the tiraffic pattern in D1s~rict 2 <br />so tchat !.t can be as rationaS. as posai.ble. Tha Counctl direuted <br />tY~e staff and hhe Planning CoRenisato^~ to rev.iew the and come <br />• _~ <br />