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1976-03-24 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-03-24 PC Minutes
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. „• <br />nm~n~s oF ~rt~ rtizrme v~v <br />~ PLA4II~ING OCt~Pff39TCN <br />Nlarch 24, :197G <br />r <br />The hb~a~ds View Planning Oamdeaion wae cailed to osdar aL the City Hall by 3te <br />chait~pereort BnYbara flaelce at 7t30 ptlr ~ h'er]nesdaY~ Mar~11 24~ 1976. The <br />follcwing m~vors ware presents A~bert ta~scm~n, Gerald Fbas, Phyllie Hlanehard, <br />Allen Zepper, Pobart Glazerr Paul Fedor and BarL~sra Haake. Abem~t werei Don Fkekeban <br />and Nancy eurnieistar. <br />The minukes c.a~re amPxidsd as fo22x:~s: On p~e 2. ~'rac~r~ph 2, 2nd sentence, deleta <br />the n~anbers "150" and insert in lieu thereof the nunbers "350". <br />6Sr (Fbas-Gl,azer) to appmve the minutes as amended. 7 ayes <br />ITEFS FtJR CCNSIC~FATI(N: <br />Harvey Me1tN,_ Sr. ~ <br />Pmpes~cy ixrvulved: 8371 Eastxa~d Drive <br />M1nor eubdivision (1 lot into 2) <br />IKS. t~ke gtatsI Uiat this is a m3rwr subdiviaion +'o r_~r~ate twv lots fxcm hlis <br />existi[g ~e lot, eaeisting lot being 100.01 x 469.07. The MolUy xequeati is for <br />otte lat to be 100.01 x 234. ~3 azd the ot~~er to be lOtl.01 x 234.OA. M9, liaake <br />fu~.~thes otatad that if this suixlivision is granted the new line wi11 go tlunugh <br />Fhe midd7.e oP Y~ pool. Ah~. MelUy stated ttv3t this is an abova 9rowxl pool atyd <br />E" '1 will be rem~ved iry April 1. <br />\~-^'J It was al.ep stated that the ~w oc.rners will have to get a grade <br />N~34 (Fbas-NOasman) tU recamYaid tn the oouncil thaY tAey grant the miiwr aubdivieion <br />of Hazvey Ma].by, Sr., B3?1 Eastuood Drive, as proposed on the plat map, tho weat <br />lot being appxnodmately 100.01 x 239 azd tl~e east lot fmnting on Greenxixzl Drive <br />beis~g a~ooclmately 100.01 x 234, with a eontisigeaicy that befora a builciirtg peLfiit <br />is lasued that an acceptatrie grada plan be siilmitted. P7ukhex, there muat be a five <br />foot ui•ility easarent cui the Last five feet of ihe Weat lot faciny Eastwuod <br />Drive and a ficre foot uLiltty eaaerent on the rrest part of t2ie lot faciny Grearnaxad <br />Dr'_ve. 7 ayes <br />He.rnan Weiee <br />P~rolveclz 8965 Gmve]and <br />Mimr subciivieion (1 lor into 2) <br />Mre. Arlue S1nSY3~ appeared before the aam.iisaion representing It~s atep-Pathar, Nh~. Weiaer. <br />Ma. :lsake explained Yhat t_he property 1s A23 x 115 appxoximately, aid the reyueat <br />is £ar a Zot epiit rtu~king the west lot 27A.2 x 1).5 anct the east lnt 175 x 7.15. <br />MSP (Fedor-Ibe~nan) that vs deny t3if.e lot eplit of He~n SVeriae ee; it ia presented, <br /> the eaet lot being 175 x 115 ~nd thr_taeat ]nt being 279.2 x 1.15. <br />Fte. eaid that ehe v,ould te7.1 her atr»p-fatker o£ thi.e c3enisl end Ms. Haake <br />etated that Etr. Weiae's request for a eu6diviaion was deniod bocause hie kaack lot <br />lines t~ould not be equal Go the back lot lines exiating 3 lots eatth of it az~d <br />,~ tlie Plenning C±-nmiasion c.au18 likcj to r~7uest of Y~1r. Wei~ tn have hie ~,eat lo~ be <br />245 x 1A5 atr] the east lat 200 x 115. <br />~ <br />; <br />7 ayes i <br />
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