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1976-06-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-06-23 PC Minutes
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' .s~r'D <br />„'`,/ <br />~ <br />r~irrumES or mx?; rtourrns view <br />PLANNINa COMMIS5ION <br />June 23, 197G <br />The Mounda Vie~~r Planning Commlaeion wae ca11~d to orcler at the C1ty <br />Iiall by its ohairpereon Barbara Haeke at 7t35 Pm on Wndnesday, <br />June 23, 1976. The followinp, members were present;: Phy111e Blanchard, <br />Paul Fedor, ~erald Foea, Pon Maokeben, Nancy Burmeiater, Darbara <br />FIaske. AbAent weret Robert alazer, Allen 7.epper nrid Robert Roeaman. <br />The minutes for the June 9, 1976, meeting were amended ae follows: <br />Page 4, 4th paragraph, 60h dentence, delete ti~e word "roads" and <br />insert in 21eu thereof the wurd "Lota", and on pa~e 6, gr8 pnragrrsph, <br />delete the words "and Mr. Fedor" and insert in lieu therea!' the <br />words "end t~is. nlattuharJ". <br />MSP that the minutes be approved as amended. <br />ITEMS b'OR CON52DERATSON <br />6'ayes <br />Larr Smie a: was not heard as nelther he nor hia represontative <br />spoeared. <br />W1lbert Johnson <br />roper.~ea': 6953 Ploasant View Arive <br />Variance (storege shed aq'footage requirements). <br />MSP (BUrmeletsr-Fedor) to ta4e from t:he table the Wilbert Johneon <br />varianae request that was tabled on June 9, 1976. 6 syes <br />Ms. Haake explained thut Mx•. Johnson is rr:queating a variance on <br />accessory building 1? x 18 feet. In March of 197? he asked £nr and <br />wae granted a variance for a 13•6 x 24 addition to his garage and <br />the O~mmiesion at that time felt that the garage aize would be adequate. <br />Further, the Commiasion has a hietory of not &1lowing this type of <br />varisnce requeat under those circumetances. <br />thSP (Mackeben-HUrmeister) to deny the requesU• of Wilbert Johneon, <br />6953 Pleaennt View Arive, for his variepce request to build an <br />aocesaor,y building 12 x 18. 6 ayea <br />24r. Maokeben ststed that the current garage is 17~ sq feet in exces3 <br />of tha aurrent exiating ordinanee, whioh was recently 7,ncreased to <br />accommnaate iteme of this nature. T!;e atorage ehed was to be 72 sq feet <br />lsrger than the current ordinancc~indicatea and ioith an A Pont door <br />would create not a storaqe ahed, but in reality e aecond qaraqe, whic:~ <br />ia in violation of the ordinence. <br />Mr. 0lazer arrived at 7:50 pm. <br />tdSP (Idackeben-BUrmeis*.er) that the regular meeting be ad~ourned <br />7 ayea <br />~t .;.. <br />
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