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-3- <br />' tdr, fdeakeben voioed hia aonaerno about the imE~aot ~n the neighborhood <br />~ and 1i7..llview Park that lo ueed for reQese. btr. Daire ntntod tiint h~ <br />did not ant].aipate bhat they would enroli 3a8 pupiia. <br />:,eonard Truekoweki, 793a sunnyside Rd, , etated that he we~b horrified <br />at tho prospeat of 32~ ahiidren let laone without any supervision. <br />tie lives behind titiem end hae lived through thie. 3?8 ohildren walkinp, <br />from the ahurah to the play Pround. I~r. Daire etated "With supervioion", <br />and tqr. Trus4coweki aontinued: I don~t know that theoe children are <br />headed for the playEroiand--I dnn't know where they are headed. He <br />would Sike to impreau thie figurQ,of 328 on everyo:~e, and reaommended <br />Ghnb a doTirrite TiPure Ue set~ not 328. <br />Me, Haeke aoked if he had exrerienaed any probleme w.ith the achool <br />and he replied: they have an exuberaht conp,re~ation. <br />14r, Daire stated that L•he polloe department stated t:~aC they had no <br />acmplaints. <br />Mr. Truekoweki stated that a aommiCtee from the church came around <br />anfl aaked if there were any compl~inte, and afber that all hell broke <br />1,oose. Then after the hearing no~ice wua received bhings alowed doum. <br />M2~. DHiz•e poLrte3 cut• thet a~hc+ol wan aut for~the sumtiner. <br />6tr. Truskawski aontinued: Alan the ahurch servioe~. 7'hey ~o ci~ <br />all houro, day and n1.ght. He doean~t know what ia going an or'e: there, <br />but they do hold n~isy servioes. He inquired ae to their religious <br />affiliation and Mr. Aaire replied that they are Christians, non- <br />den~minational, not affiliaced with cviyone. <br />Mr. Truskowski saked why he is forced to attend their aervlces out of <br />^ hia own tiack yard. When the Tnatheran church was there before they <br />~`VJ had a congregation twice,as bi6 and they never had a Froblem, fte <br />then asked if thoy plenned the building to be used as e halfway houee7 <br />Mr. Dairs replied '~No, sir.° <br />Mr, Truekowski asked why it was necessary to hold services ttrice a <br />Yraek end Mr. Dn1re rpplied that they hnld them 3 times ~ Weak.; <br />r,hey meet Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Thur~rday evenlnp;. ilothing <br />else is regular. <br />Dis, Haake SnquirRd ao to how late thoy run in tho evening and 'Nr. Daire <br />rep].icd 1~:d0 to 10:g0. Thay r~tax~t et ~.00 - ~,45. <br />Mr, Yiaalce asked 1£ thie were r,~ntained within the bui].ding and he <br />replied that ao they havo no air-conditioninp, in the aummer the windowe <br />are open. <br />Mr. Fedor aeked 1f they were held later than that und tdr, Truekowski <br />atated; the anawer ie ln the ttffirmative. Clappina and etnging, <br />fuot stomping, ap la~e as 1}:30. Then when they leave i.t bnkea an <br />hour to break up, That ia thc adulto~•-the te»hu~ere are-eVen worsn. <br />Mr. Auire stated that the teenagers are Saturday even7ng and they break <br />up about 9:00, This only began in tho last month. <br />Mr. Truskowakl 3tated that he r~c~mmende to the committee th¢t a time <br />be imposed inaufnr nn tho gntho:•in~e nt the "church° ere copcerner~. <br />Alao before the City Counail hearin~ he would like to see en itiner¢x•y <br />from the Centor on nll goinga on and what ia planned for th9 yenr, <br />with set times, atc. Thia shauld be fuxnished to the oommittee and <br />he v~ou7.~ also ].ike a copy. <br />,,,,,,,, Idr. Daire told him thst thi.s was avuilable at the churflh offioe. <br />~ <br />