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1976-07-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-07-14 PC Minutes
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„. <br />f1SP (BUrmei3ter-~4aokoben) that <br />Krugen application for a ma~or <br />"""~ as preaented om the preliminar <br />the laak of depth on Lots 1,2 k <br />greal deal of traffic. <br />-3- <br />we diaapprove of the Jsek & Kenneth i <br />aubdivieien at 8~i80 ~roveland Road, <br />y pla~ dated June 21, 1976, beoauae of <br />3 on County nd J which oreates a `i <br />4 ayea <br />Z nays <br />:~Is. Burmei3ter aLated for the rocord that bhere was a~ereat deal of <br />diseuESion ahout the treea, etc., everyone wae draw!.n~r alternate <br />plans, the lsat time he wae i,n. We ~ave somawhat of a etraw vote <br />apProval of the sketch nlan. lJe did not say t~e were ~oing to aPProve <br />]00 foot deep lots beat~use we were going bo try to aome up with <br />~lternativea. <br />The Planning augges~s:' if Mr. Kru~Sen would lilce to resubmit <br />hiu maJor subdivis;on, making Lots 1,2 & 3 combined to meke two lots; <br />~he west lot 100 x 211.60 and khe east lot having the snme d3meneiona, <br />the Planning Commias3on oeea no problema with the rest of the subm±tted <br />prellmittary p1aL•. <br />t4r. 6lazer stated that he again voted nay because ~f the agreement <br />that the Planning Gommieat.on haci to aupporC them in tYielr eriginal <br />recommendation. <br />P~, ' 4~e~or ~e Pa ~ne: was nob heard as neiCher he nor hies representative <br />t 1 appesr- ed. <br />~,./ <br />Poter Jorden <br />xoperl~Sty nvolved: 7474 Spring Lake Rd <br />Ma,~or aubdivision (1 lot into 3) <br />Mr. Jordan atated thab they are ask].ng thst the road eanement be waived. <br />They do not think that the road ie practiaal <br />tds. Ilaake stated tihat this lot ia 195.97 dn Spring Lake Rd sidA, <br />nnd or. Bronaon nrive it ie 319.60. He is x~equesting 3 lote; the <br />eaat lot tacinE; upring Lake Road'mit•h the exinting home would be <br />195•97 x 19y.60. The lot to the rrest of'that would be 9Q feet facing <br />Sronson Dr:lve x 195.68, and Lhe furbhedt west lot also fa.cing Aronsan <br />would be 9o x 195.49. <br />Mr. Jordan atated that Donovan Wendt, from ivhom he bought the property, <br />told him the City wanted only 30 feeb, not 80. Ilis rpaeona for no <br />road is that there is no other b1~ok in the region dovrn whi^:h a sLreat <br />hna been Put; this ien't quita fair as to what iv taill do tc the <br />property value. T}~e nei~;hbors do not seem to be very ar~xioua for L•he <br />road. In summary, thPre'L• a precedent for pubting tho rond down <br />and if he i~ held up it will be cootly. <br />4erald Poos nrrived at 9:15 pm. <br />~~ <br />
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