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{,~ , <br />p , , ", _G_ <br />~{ ~ <br />t . <br />; Tha Cnmmlanlan taas polledt <br />~ ~ 61~. b'one; 147 le fine, <br />tdr. 6lazer: I really don~t tcnow what to eay. <br />tde. Hlanohard: If thev are happy caith 1~~7 and Mr. Andrua will <br />go to 14'j thab is f~ne. <br />Mn. Durmeieter; 5ti11 feel it ehould be the equul lot nplit, <br />Mr, xe~per: I wouid go 147, <br />Mu. i[aake etated thnt perhups ore shou.ld OIt thia and let the <br />Counoil tnke oarQ o~ 1.t, s2hos 3 wuelse ago the Counoil staEed thab you <br />oannot be arbitrary at2d o~tprinlous, <br />tdr. Plasoh asked to withdraw hin firot survey from aonsideration. <br />Mr. Foso atfltnd that he would 11ke to go on renurd snying ~hat he would <br />vota yeo for the divislon of. 1q~,5, <br />hiSP (Fone-Zepper) that we table Mr. and t4rs. Plasch's reque~t untll <br />they c~m4 baok rrith a new survey. <br />o ayea <br />411 Hummell <br />ounty Rd H2 <br />oame betore the CommSseion on the Jack & Kentteth Krugen requeat. <br />~ He atated that they have a time problem and have aromiaed to build on <br />~._,~~ the lots. They are helping Mr. Krugen vn bhies. Hia portion ie <br />holdl,ng them up. He would go along wlth the two lota. Ms. Haake <br />told him I;hat she cannot wnive anything--they have to aee tha final <br />ylan noW. <br />MSP (B].anohsrd-Foss) to reoonsider the Rrugen ms~or subdivis+_on. <br />6 ayes <br />~ <br />~ bis. tisake stnted that Mr.Hummell sppeared Uefore the Planning Commission <br />i; ~ in behalf of the Krugen aubdivislo,~. He h~d Ucen Sn conCaot with Jack <br />1 Kru~en st 8480 t}raveland Road ar.d said that Mr. Krugen would agree <br />to have the 3 lote faaing County Rd J combYned into two lots; the <br />weab 1ot being 7.0l1 x 211.60 and tho eas1: Sot 100 x 211.60. Mr. fItzmmeil <br />requeeLed th&t we sat on the preliminary plat wlth o71y those,nhangea <br />~ and Yi~BY would have a ne~•r prellminary ~la.t roaciy for the Counoil meeting <br />on July 26, 1976, inaorporatiny thnse ahanges. Sinee the Pianning <br />Commiasion had it:dicated Co the Krugers on Juna 9 that we would <br />' pase on his'sketch plan that is exaatly like L•he proposed plat he <br />eubmitted to us this evening and that we change3 our mind regarding <br />Lota 1, 2& 3 because of previous discusaion in these matters, we <br />v!ou7.d like to ask the Councii to apprave L•he new proposed preliminary <br />plst that fdr•. iSumme7.1 will Ge eubmittxng to them on their July ~6 <br />j Counail meetln~ with only two lot•a on County ftd J. <br />l4SP (Foss-7.epper) thet we recummend to the Cour.cil that'they approve <br />tne preliminary plat that indi~seL•ea Lots 1,2 & 3 in the Lida P~ Hummell <br />~% lat Addition be aombinod Snto tvro lota, the west lot being 100 x 211.60 <br />and the easL lot bein~ 100 x 211,60. The remaininp, lots would be <br />ronumbered &nd have tha oxact dimensions t1~ab the proposed plat datad <br />June 21, 1~76, has. <br />6 ayen <br />+~ <br />