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1976-09-08 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-09-08 PC Minutes
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.,. . <br />rliriu~rss or Tnr ~•~ouNns virta <br />rLnNHTt~o cat~tMls~iorr <br />/'1 Septumber fl, 107G <br />( <br />~--^ The hloundrt View Plnnninp, Commission wnn oalied to ordpr at thp CSt;/ <br />Ha11 by its ehsirperson Ba'rUara Ftuu{ce at 7~3~ pm on Wo<lnenday, <br />^eptemher 8, .197G. 7'he fa11ov3np, membero ~~rora p,epontt Nnnay <br />BurmeSster, c3erald Fose, Robert 6lnzer, Puul I~edor, Phy111^ C!l:~nahnrd, ' <br />Allan Zeppe.r, Don Mackeben attd 3nrbura ![¢al<c~. <br />The minutea for ttie Auguat 25, 1)7G, meotinK were aorreoCocl Qn folloornt <br />let page, 5th paragraph, 9th 13ne, dolr,tc tlle wordp "thnb thin cte~ee <br />give them° and insert in lieu thoreof tho taorde :"toe onn f!SVa tho <br />people"; and at the eyd of tl~at oantenoc delote the pariod ancl ndd <br />"on their plnn." On pap,e 3, ~Ch paru(,raph, 4th lino, dclato the word <br />"legal" and insert in lieu thereot tt;c otord "1ooa1'~, <br />lrtSP (AUrmeisber-I~edorj that thc ml:~ute^ bc npprovn~t nn oorreataQ, f3 nJnn <br />tJOTE: The memb~ra of thi~ Commisalon wou7d 11ke tho minuCea dollverod <br />to them by mail or other~•rlse--it le a qreat inaonvenl.enoo to h4vo bo <br /> them up each time. <br />IT~MS FOR CONS~DERATION <br />~lyde J. PotCs <br />Property involved: 2~102 Sherwood Road <br />^ Vuriance (reRuest to place driveway wlthin 3' of prnpgrty line) <br />U I•fa. ltaaxe sL•ated that applicant winhea to inetell drivewsy to Withitt <br />3 feeb oS the property line. The total dietanoe betvreen homoa ia J3 foat, <br />Proposed driveway will be 21 feet from the neighl»x•~e h4mv. Ttra <br />minimum distance would ba 15 feet. T;~e 2400 3herwood nei~hbor haa <br />a6reed ta btils in tivritin~. 7'he driveway would be oonor9te, <br />idSP (2epper-(3lazer) thab we approve the vsrianca .°or C1yAe J, PoLtn~ <br />2402 Shsrwood Road, to put hia clriveway up to 3 foot oC Ch~ property <br />line. The new drlvewey is neQesoary becauoe Mr, PoCtn preaently hen <br />to drive on hio neighbor`s proparty tio get ta h~Q ~nrnpa. ~'hora ie <br />a latter from hin neighbor, Jamea Patriak b~Noii, etatin~? bhaC he hflo <br />no ob~eationa to thls variance (at8achnd). Thero doeA noC aeem to Ge <br />any ather viable alternativa. <br />Q AYRq <br />A1vin~Feder.son <br />roper~ ty ~ivolved. 6~7o Pleaeant View f~rtivo <br />$peci&1 SJae Permit (overaized acoenaory bui1c11nR) <br />Flu. Haake stated that the ap~licunt wiohea to he ~;ivun npprovnl ot nn <br />~coesaory buildin~; adciitian. Thn orip,innl nbruoturo ia 9 x 10, prith <br />the ndditioa of 9 r. lo. Totn2 lao nq foot, It vrill Uo a mntsl retruoture <br />with an open end on ena)i one, <br />" I+ir. Fedor asked I9r. Pedereon if he could wait on Eha oottori+Uatlon un~il <br />! the Council xesolvos exaetly ktow large s~turnga trUilding is p,o?.n(? to <br />~ be allov~ea, tie alo~o otated thaL• it 470.C unfortuneta thnti na bad ta <br />~ay a feo. <br />
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