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_2.. <br />bir. alazer eaid that thie ie almoet a tesC aaee and ie st the eufferanee <br />/''~ of Mr. Aiokenson--he doen n-~- feel that we sl~ou2d be purtinq our reaidente <br />~ ithrough tflis haesle; t~e aan ~ee no danger o£ aetting a preceflent. <br />Mr. Dtckaneon etnted that this meeting tonighi: waa eupposed to hati~e a letter <br />from Atty Meyers. Mr. Maokeben etated bhat they have the verbal oomment ~ <br />fs~cm him. , <br />Mr. Zepper moved that interpretatlon of Chp. 40.03(5) doeo not a11ow an <br />acooseory building before the prlnaipal atructure, therQfore we shauld <br />deny Mr. Dioken~on~s request for a gsrege on the aouth haif of Lot 66, , <br />Spring Lake Park H111view Additiott. Thie motion died for 1r~cN of a eecond. 1 <br />: <br />MS(Blanchard-tllazer) that, tacaus~ we do not hava a definite intcrPretstion <br />of this ordinenae, we ask the Council to approve the permit for a Barage <br />on the above mentioned Sot at 8068 Caet7ood. St would not be detrimental <br />to the City bo ellota M+~. ~ickensan have h1s ancesaory building. ; <br />Mr. Rose stated that if a written atatement from Atty Meyers would mske ~ ; <br />Qi^ference in the deciel.on, he would auggeet that it be tabled Na you may ~ <br />be netting a preoedent. s <br />A vote was eslled for, ad f~llowa: 2 ayes <br />3 nays <br />1 a6atsin (Fedor) Motion Pailed <br />Mr. Mackeben explained to Mr. Dir,ker.~on that the lnterpretation of the appeal <br />;;~ ia ~hat it reade oorrectly as stated and his prerogative ie to go to the <br />V Council to diacuas tha decielon made here thie evening. He read to Mr. <br />Aickenaon hSs righbs to appeal. <br />After discuseion, Ms. Burmeieter sbated bhat 7.f Mr. llickenson does decide <br />tn go to the Counoil Atbornay Mayera will have to have a wriCten <br />interpretation and the PZanning Commiaeion would like a oopy of it, too, <br />so that they have it in their files. <br />Mr. Msekeben eaid that an in~11v1dual who owne two lots side by eide cannot, <br />unden any ciraumstancea, build a abructure on one of those lcte nithout a <br />principal dwelling on it. Mr. Glazer stated that e legal opinion on this <br />is definitely needed. <br />Kunneth A~ Bont.n <br />~ropor y nvolv`ed - 838~ Pleaeant Vlerr Dr <br />Variance - oversiaed garage. <br />Applicant has requested permisainri to keep an dddition to hie gsr~ge which <br />was construabe8 without a permit. The total sq footsge oi Che garage area <br />ie 1,13k' and ataff has .red t•agged the additiqn which is noted on the <br />drswing in the file as B with the removal ~o be before Decembe'r 2Q, 1976. <br />Ms. Burmeiatar stated that it should be noted that iC was gppraved :or 26 x~•. <br />26 snd they built it 28 x 26. Ms. Bonin stated that they were never aware <br />"' af that, <br />~ <br />