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1977-01-12 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-01-12 PC Minutes
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<br />,,r^~ <br />MINURFS QF THF. ,~YXiN~ VIEW <br />YI,AbNIf1~ CCbMI85I0N <br />January 12~ 1977 <br />The Mounle View Pla~v~ing Canniseian was called tv arder at the City Hall by ies <br />chairpexeon, Barbara tiaake~ at 7~50 pm m Wedreeday, Januarf 12, 1977. The Eollaving <br />mgnbere were presenti Faul Fedor. Phyllis flla.nchard, Allan 2eppex, Oon Madrnben, <br />Gerald Foss azrl Harbara Haalce. Also present weres Counci]merber Hmmgartrnx ard <br />Steve Rose. <br />Ms, Haaka sf.sted that Crnm:snioners Glazer a~ad Burnnister wcire mccuaed. It was also <br />atated t1~at Caimisaianers Blanchard and Zepper ~,ould be ~xcvsed far the meeting in <br />EWbxvary. <br />7fie minvtea far the December mebr~irx~ ~+ere mrrected as folkxvs: page 2, delete the <br />last paraqraph and insert in lieu thereof: "Ms ttaake said that our ~rehensive <br />plan was adopted approxlm3tol.y a year ago. This :Ls one of the firat challen;es <br />tc rn~x Ccm~a'ehensive Plan azd already you want tr~ chip ~vuy at it." Page 3, paragraph <br />8, aftat the c.ord "stated" s~ befare the word "that" insert: "that ihe Plarning <br />Oan~r~ion c..vv~t go t~o 61 feet ud then bell another de~reloper thati he rtust adhere <br />tn our o~inance arrl maintain an 85 foot fx~ntage." 2he re~rairder of the sentence <br />ehould be delebed. <br />t~.SP (FOSS°Blarrhard) tn approve Yhe minutes of DaoEmUer 8, 1976, as wrrecf.ed. <br />5 apes <br />(Cartniaeioner Mackeben hed mt yc3t arrived) <br />-- theirPerson tiaalc weloo~d Counci]msnber Hmmigart~er back to the PLvmin9 Oanniseion as <br />liasa~ with the Coun~il. <br />~ Pl£[dS FOR IXx13TDERATTaN ~ <br />_H~a1V W. Melb <br />Propzcty 3.~rrolvedx N372 Greenaood <br />Mirr.~ subdivieion (1 lot into 2) <br />Mr. Malby did mt urrive. <br />Ibd ~lc ~ivo ~ <br />i,_:,cuss atd rewmnerrl t-io City Camcil futuro plans for <br />I~d Oa]c Ar mrth of H1~hway 10. <br />It r~ae ex~laired that tha Cit~ recently received a final plat for property that <br />fr.entsxl Pa3 Onk L4.'iva which was not a~xwgd. bartng thd euhdivisann pco~edures <br />hiae Planniny Oamdseion, City Courcil and etaff .reviecvad the preliminaxy plat ard found <br />that iC was in oonfarrtance with the City's requirenente for easements. 'The preliminary <br />plat showad only a 25' easerent fcrr RBd (hk La~ive aril there was ro mention or requeat <br />by ihe Ci.ty co requira additicmal eaeenenr. When tkw f,inal plttt taas reneived it <br />shawad an additlonal easP.ment of 8' for IY~1 Celc. This additional eas~t was <br />reyuested by Ransey dounty• <br />it was eugg~ted that a eta4e~rr~nt be crade for the reoord tn reefiirm the ~asitalon the <br /> CYmnies~n takes ard recartnerda bo the City douncil. <br />~ <br />
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