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,; <br />~ ....% PUBLIC HBARING <br />MOUND5 VIEW'PLANNING COMhII35I0N <br />MARCH 23, 1997 <br />The Public Hearina On Rad Oak Drive Interchanqe On New Trunk <br />Hi h_~ was called to ordar at the Mounds View City Hall <br />at 8 0~ Pt~, Wadnesday, March 23, 1977 by the Mounds View Plan- <br />ning Commissi,on chairperson, Barbare. Hanka. Present were: <br />Barbara Haake, Robert Gluzer, Nancy Burmoister, Don Mackenben, <br />Paul Fedor, Phyllis Dlanchard, Gerald Foss and Allan Zepper. <br />Also presont were: Councilmembers; Rowley, Baumgartner Hodgas, <br />Mayor Pickar, Administrator Achen, Stev~n Rosa nnd $ttgineer <br />Hubbard. <br />Chairporson tiaake opened the meeting wi2h introductory remarks <br />(statement attached) and Admin3strator Achan gave the background <br />stating that the City Council in 1974 had passad a resolution <br />urging legislators and Congress to do whut they could to hastan <br />construction of }lighway 10, tAr Achen explained the project, <br /> that iC is a design that hus not beon formalizad by the <br />~ Highway Department. The Fall of 1978 the llepartment of Trans- <br />poxta~ion has as its goal to formalize preliminbry designa of <br />the highway, after the en',rironmental impact statements have baen <br />praparod. After staff had obtained`copies of the rough draft <br />alignmont, the communicatad with DOT ragarding alternatives, <br />costs, atc. I was felt that not to have an interchange at all <br />would meet res stance Prom Blaine. It was staEf's feeling that <br />~ thay ought to do some,work in looking at othar alternativess - <br />possibla ways to redesign to reduca tha negative impacts with <br />possible construttion o.f the Red Oak InL•archange. This could <br />have an impact on the neighhorhood chsractar. Improvaments <br />would also have to be made or. Red Oak Drive - additional traffic <br />signals, curbs, gutcers, etc. He illustrated staff~s various <br />ideus on the screan; first drawin~ being tho intercht~nge as pre- <br />sar~i:ly designed. The,sar..ond drawing compleCely eliminated the <br />intarchange in the Red Oak Drive vicinity and puL it on County <br />!?oad J. Third drawing: Long Lake Road inYerchange, which would <br />s~~crifice px~ime fndustrial davelupment. Some campromisa is <br />going to have to come out between Mounds Viow snd Blaine was <br />the staff~s opinion. The maeting was then turned back ta Ms <br />Haaka. <br />Ms Peg Mountin <br />8287 Aed Oak Drivo <br />Ms Mountin read an open latter to DOT and handed in a petition. <br />~ (Latter and patition attachod.) <br />