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Septemtldr 14, 1977 <br />Page 7 <br />.~ behind the store, ~ahile the store only has a fi~ont entrance, ~ahich due to the distance <br />~ to the front, would seem impracticat. The rear parking also has bad accass. E11mi- <br />nation of parking space N8 would a11ow a proper isle on the south side, wh11e a <br />circle drive should be required that would extend along the north side of the <br />building. The paved area onty extends 36 feet from the buildiny whicli negates ~he <br />possibility of twa way traffic and requires the circle to be a ane way drlve, The <br />paving shoutd be extended to the south Co allow for addltionat parking,spaces. A1so, <br />a rear entrance intn the bullding should be required for the rear parking facilities. <br />Steckirg of cars wanttng gas could posslbly block curb cuts due to short staaking lanes. <br />A screening fence of minimai E' height should be installed alung the east and south <br />property 11nes, being opaque, and tighting shouid be required for rear parking <br />facitities that does not extend on t~ R-1 properties. <br />Stanley Begin introduced himsetf as the representative fnr the company.Chat saou7d <br />convert the 7-Eleven store into a setf servlce station a1so. lie stated that most <br />corrtnunlties consider the pump 1s1anA a~ four parking spaces and that so far, they <br />have not experiQnced a stacking problem at the Tsland. The average tima spert at <br />the pump seems to be 3-4 minutes, which was determined in a study his compan, did. <br />Mr. Beqin stated that h~ agreed with many of the points Officiai Rase presented and <br />requested a 1ett2r from Official Rose ~~ith those points listed so that he cauld ga <br />over thpm wif.h his ctiant. Mr. Begin also stated that predictions are that by 1980 <br />over 85 percent of a17 gas disbursement in the U.S. w111 ue through convenience stores. <br />He steted that they have closed 78 ma~or service s4ations in the 'fwin C1ty area 1n Che <br />pasC few years, wl~ich have been converted to dry cteaners, 7-Elevens aud so forth, and <br />~ recomrended that it would be an ssset for Mounds View to have such a_Eation. <br />~ hir. Begin presented a petition of 77 signatures supporting the 7-Eleven gas statlnn <br />~ and stated that the petition had been taped ta the count,er of the 7-Eleven for <br />patrons to sign. Chairperson noted that the petition had been recelveA by the <br />Planning Comnission. <br />Mr. 8egir~ atso stated that self service gas stx.ions have proved to have a better <br />saFety record than other s~ations since the person mon•itoring the pumps watches the <br />cars as they putl in an~ controls the pumps, thus not turning them on if some~ne is <br />smoking. <br />Chatrperson Hcake pointed out that with the parking in the rear cf the store, Che patrons <br />wouid be tikely to park at the pumps and go in the store, thus caustng stacktng for thase <br />walting to get 1n for gas. <br />Comnission Member Mackeben stated that he saw a number of problems with the propasal, <br />with only 22' from the pump to the entrence, which would allow nnly one car, and if <br />there were three cars at one time, tfiey would be backed up to Silvsr Lake Road. He <br />T1so stated that of a11 the probtems, the parking and safety on Silver Lake Road ~dith <br />the stacking woulC be the mein problem. <br />Mr. Beyin requested permisiion from the Ptanning Comml:sion to table the is,-~ue to ctlow <br />him tlme to talk to his cllent to see 1f the requirements~and reCOmmendations could be <br />met. Chairperson Flaake stated she would sti11 like to make a motion to back up the <br />Planning Cammission but Offtcial Rose pointed out that Mr. Begin had the right to table <br />~"j the issue if he wanted ta. <br />