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1977-11-09 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-11-09 PC Minutes
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~ovemoer 9, 1977 <br />Page 6 <br />s Coir~ission members vote on his request and stated that if they did turn iC down, it <br />,~,.woaid autrnnattcally go to the City Counctl where lie cbuld appeal. <br />~; j~ idSP (Zepper-Foss) to deny the su6division request as prNSenCed by Daiiey Itorees far the <br />f luts at approximately 7fib5 Groveland Road because of the substandard frontefle of the <br />; lats along Silver lake Road. <br />A roilcall vote was taken: <br />Commission Member foss - aye <br />Comnissian Member Blanchard - aye <br />Cammission Member Burmeister - aye <br />Chairperson Maake - aye <br />Cortmission Member Glazer - nay <br />Cormnission Member Fedor - nay <br />Commissian hlember Macl;eben - nuy <br />Commission Member Zepper - aye b ayes <br />3 nayes <br />Commission Mem6er fedor stated that he had voted against the denial because the <br />proposed Tots were 1~ times the required square footaye of R-2 lots, even though <br />they did have substandard frontage. Comm9sston f4embers Mackeben and Glazer stated <br />that they had the same reasons for voting nay. <br />CON~TTIONAI USE PEkMIT Of ALEXANDER DIVERSIFSEO SALES, INC. - 2848 H~GHWAY 10 <br />Offfcial Rose reported that the appllcant has requested a canditiona7 use permit.for <br />the operat9on nf a used auto sales business to be iocated on the corner of Graveiand <br />Road and Highway 10, at th? site of a closed gasoline station. The applicant plans <br />to purchase the property if A permit is approved. flis sales are excluslvely )ate <br />model Cadillac and Lincoln autas. <br />Planning considerations inciude that the Comprehensive P7a^ directs the remaining <br />undeveloped~land in District 12 a7ong Highway 10 to develop medium denity and the <br />futurE redevelopment of the existing spot commercial site to medium density. The <br />land is presenCly zoned 8-4 and the proposed useage requires a B-3 conditional usp <br />permit zoning. 8-4 zoning uses a17ow B-? uses. S9ng1e family homes abut the <br />pruperLy on the west and south. <br />The site ha; nn existing garage approximately 72' long and 30' deep with a paved area <br />and two accesses, one off Groveland and one off Hi~hway 10. The appiicant pians to <br />have on-si*.e approximate7y 25 cars, which Staff r?commends be reduced to 15 if the <br />permit is approved. The reduction would then a11ow fur approximately 20-12 pai^king <br />space,. if approved, the parking spaces and traffic lznes should be marked. The <br />sfte presently offers screening fence along the south and west 71nes. This fencittg <br />shoutd be extended further east and north to screen mure adequately the property <br />abutting it. The appiicant pians to use t,he existing signs arid lighting. <br />Chairperson Haake asked if the paving could be extended tavrard Highway 10 to a]lo~v <br />more room for display cars. Official Rose replied that that could be determined once <br />an accurate sketch plan was drawn up. <br />--' Chait-per~son Naake asked if the building wouid ba chan~ed. Mr. Alexander replled that <br />no structural changes would be made. <br />
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