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1977-11-21 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-11-21 PC Minutes
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Hovember 2t, 19'/7 <br />page 2 <br />Commisslon Member Foss stated that he agreed with most of what had been said but <br />~ that he was not in favor of having permits. He stated that he agreed a riuisance <br />ord',~ance wculd be beneficlal and recummended that a statement be added that any <br />business which by its nature creates a nuisance to the neighborhaod could be <br />~ustiflably eliminated by compiaints. He also stated that he felt there were a <br />few hume occupations that could be allowed, such as wetcti repair, and music and dance <br />insCrucCion with more than one pupil at a time allowed. <br />Chairperson 1laake stated that she fe1C the present ordinance was adequate and <br />would recommend teaving it as it stands. She also stated that she would tike • <br />a conditional use procedure added to the home occupatlon ordina~ce, and that <br />9f someone wants Co make a complaint, they should appear before the Council and <br />the busTness operator would tP;en be reqW red to apply for u conditionat use permit. ' <br />Chairperson Haake pointed out that a home is a persons biggest personal lnvzstment <br />and everyo~e should be ab]e to have a say in what their neighborhaod is gofng to <br />be like. <br />Commission Member eurnieister stated that slie `ett it might be diffucu?L to enforce <br />the cond9tiona7 use permit requirement as the only way the City would 4now there <br />xas a home accupation was if someone complaineci. She suggested that perhaps the <br />conditfonal use permit should only be requiPed when there is a canplaint. <br />Commission tdember Zepper stated that they cou!d I;hen run into the probtem of a <br />neighbor who is a chrunic complainer. <br />Commission Member 8lanchard questioned the requirement of a co~ditional use peYmlt <br />-~, since it would Ee for sometfiing the ordinance alraady prohibits. <br />'-% Comnission Member Zepper stated that tF there was a complaint, perhaps the business <br />could be watched for a certain tfine. Ne alsa stated that he did not feei anyone <br />should have to sign a compia9nC. <br />Councitrt~~nibRr Baumgartner stated that he believed it is necessary to sign a complaint <br />if somEthing is gning to go to cnurt. He also pointed out that whenever L•he pollce <br />take a cati, thay take the ca7lers name and address for their records. <br />Comnission Member B7anchard stated that she felt if a nuisa~ce ardinancc was enforced. <br />it would eliminate the ma,~ority of the problems with the prespnt ardfttance. <br />Cartmfssion Member Foss stated that it would be hard to draw the line on what to <br />allaw and what not to allow. <br />Caunci7member tlaumgartner stated that the ordinance 1s nut enforceable in ic's <br />present cundition znd that something must be revised ir~ order for it to be enforced. <br />Commission t~tember F2dor ~ointed out that the problem seems to be that while the <br />City Attorney fee15 comfartabie with the ordinance and confident Chat he could win, <br />in court, the Staff is the one who is actually daciding whether or not thay should <br />give a citation. <br />Councitmember Baumgartner recorrrnended that the Planning Commission discuss home <br />occupations that are within the house, witf+in one room, to limit tha area. <br />._.~' Chairperson ttaake reported that she had toured a tv repair shop pperated within a <br />home in Mounds View and that she was very impressed w9th the neatness of the <br />aperatian and that there werr ~o visable signs of a repair shop beinq operated cut <br />
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