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V ~. • <br />~ Rapid run-off through inereesed dralnage anly serves ~e' compound <br />this problemx d~nd pending onty to conaentrate iE. The natura~ <br />fittration proeess whleh Lakes place with wide contact seep areas <br />w111 ba serlously impaired under the proposed ptan. Ct should <br />be emphasized that Moundsvieris untreeted run-ofP will ultimatety <br />dlscharge into the Mississlpp! Rtver above the Mtnneapolls Water <br />Treatment Plant. 7herefore, not with.standing that Moundsviews <br />rpo11ut1on contributfon may he smail, it wiii never-thesless become <br />part of a growing threat to human heai!h. <br />Another unreconciled aspect of this proposal is thnt fnr this <br />pro~ect to be successfu•1, the existing water table must be si~ni- <br />ficantly lowered. Wn fear thaL surface wr.lls, trees and other <br />• vegetaEion wilt be advered y affected. ' <br />In regard~ to that portion of the proJect which cal'Isfar <br />nerouting our starm water to a point be7ow Long Lake, ayain <br />we ~oint out that the pro~ect as proposed will not cure the <br />Dro~Tem but w111 redistribute it. More over the Rice Creek <br />Watershed had passed on the same drainag~ paeterns it now wishes, <br />Co change through this pro~'s4,t. ,7he city has conscientlausiy <br />lbticited the water shed district's approval for alt recent '~ <br />~ maa~or developmants wiLM n iCs boundry.'„ ~ ,.' <br />e <br />! ' t~ it is evident that natural drainage areas d~a'nat car~espohd <br />``^-'" '~1~' the artifi.cial bou~dries inposed by our city' iimits. 'j <br />Therefore, we fail to understand~how the City of Mounrlsvlew , <br />can propose anything but,aq integraCed drainage ptan with its <br />ne,~ghbors, especially since we are not apprised of their develop- <br />mental plans. <br />Pro~ect alternatiyes have not been offered ta the citizenry <br />for doing the environmentaiTy o'f"economically better. Consultation <br />and coord~nation With other government agencies has taken place <br />~ithout ciiixen invoivement, <br />In clcsing I'd like to po9nt out that wa appreeiate your positions <br />as responsibie members of this commuhity and we feel secure 1n <br />the knowtedge that you are making an honest effort to decide <br />what is best for thls camnunity and 1t's individual members. To <br />reiterate, i'ro,iect 1478-1 is not in the besC interests of our <br />individuai citizens. <br />We, as a group, thank you members Gf the planning cnnsnission for <br />atlowing us to have this opAortunity to pr~sent our case regarding <br />this very touchy and important matter, <br />4~ j <br />