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March 8, 197H <br />Page 4 <br />proaect. Councilmember Baumgartner replled that even a scaled down model would <br />~ run into the mtilions of dollars and questtoned spending thnt much money on a <br />test aystem when the actual system could be put in for not too much more. <br />Councllmember Baumgartner pointed ouE that Councilmember ZieGarth had stated at <br />the last Councll meeting that he did noC went to wait until 51 percent of the <br />people in ~dounds View had water problems before doing anything about it. He <br />also added that one of the ground rules when the system was designed was that it <br />not be overdesigned, and that he did agree ChaC there might be sc~ne alternetives <br />!o the pro~ect. <br />Engineer Hubbard arrived and presented a brief background of the pro~ect and I~cw <br />it came about. He stated that aFt•~r the C1ty Council received so many requests <br />fr•om cttizens in 1975 that something be done about their water probtems, thp City <br />decided to have the st~dy done and after intervlewing nine firms and r~ceiving <br />their bids, selected the firm of Short, E111ott and Hendrickson. Three informa- <br />tional meetings were held in 1976 to inform the publlc of what was hap~ening and <br />to solicite their input. In December 1915 test wells were put in, which the City <br />h~s been monitoring ever since to kPep track of water tevals. <br />Engineer Hubbard stated that the City Cauncil had held several work sessions befora <br />accepting the report in November 1976, and then submitted the plan ta the DNR, <br />Historical Society a~d Rice Creek Wrtershed District, and then ordered the <br />feasibility study in August 1977, mnd approved that in Navenber 1977 and set the <br />February 1978 public hearing. <br />Chairperson Haake questioned if some of the we11s in the City might go dry if Che <br />~'""1 profect was approved. Englneer Hubbard replfed that t}iey hepe to lower the water <br />,~; table samewhat with the pro~ect but st91S hope to hol~ it at an average level. <br />Counciimember Baumga~•tner added that the welts in the City are sand potnt wetls <br />for outside watering and gardering, nat drinking. <br />Comrission Member Glazer questioned huw much the water 1eve7 ~as expected to drop. <br />Engineer Hubbard replied that they expect it to drop one to two feet. <br />Chairperson Haake asked how Che vegetation would be affected. Eagineer Hubbard <br />replied that the tree roots wau7d dtg themselves deeper but that a certaln amoun~ <br />nf vegetation would be lost. <br />Councilmember Baumgartner painted aut that the City Council has six monChs to <br />approve the pro~ect, fron the date of the February 2I pubtic hearing. Chairpersan <br />Haake added that if the City were to wait to approve the pra~ect, the cost would <br />continue to increase, <br />Commission Member Foss questioned the ~2,000 assesament figures Mr. Lang mentioned <br />in the statement he head for a single family home and stated thaC he fe7t it was <br />hiyher than what could be expected. He a7so pointed out that most single family <br />lotx have been developed, ~vhile it would be extreme7y hard to deveTop large <br />comnerclal areas without the pro~ect. Ne added that if the pro~ect was not approved <br />and development does not take place, taxes wiTl be higher for ali single famity <br />residen*.s. <br />Mr. Sargeant asked if the increased tax money generated by the businesses would <br />- y offset the cost of the pro~ect to the residents. Comnission Member Foss replied <br />~er/ that the issue would have to be stud!ed but that he personally felt that the <br />deveiopment vrould more than offseL the tax increasa. <br />