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March B, 1478 Page 6 <br />Councllmember BaumgarCner stated that the Council has npplied for every ty pe of <br />~ financial assistanca avatiahle to cut the cost as much as possibie for the citisens. <br />~ MSF ji{aake-FoSS} to recomn2nd to the City Councii that they delay a dacision on <br />the sewer scheduled for the March 27 meeting and Chat they form variaus study groups <br />made up of various vocal cftizens and have them answers questions that er•e being <br />ratsed and set a time limit as to when the studies would come in to help increase <br />comnunication between the citlz=ns and Cow~cii. Z ayes <br />5 nays <br />Comnission Member Giazer staCed that he felt the study thet had been done was very <br />good and that the longer a decision was put ofF, Che harder it would be ta make <br />later on whether or not to do the pro,~ect. <br />Comntssion Member 8lanchard asked how much time the Counctl had before making a <br />decision without being required to hoid another pu611c hearing. Councilmember <br />~aumgartner reptied that they had six months. Chairperson Naake added that the <br />decfsion could be made any time within thot six munth period. <br />Chairperson Haake stated Chat she fe'It a delay on the decision artd the creatian of <br />a task force would a11ow the citizens tim~ ta sirraner down and time for the Counc9l <br />to do some public relations work on the pro,~ect. <br />Comnission Member Foss stated that 1n the iast two years the Cit.y had spent $20,000 <br />~'"~''~ u~dating the Camprehensive Plan and deciding how Mounds View should be developed <br /><;~,~ and that ait the meetings were open to thz public and the course for development <br />set for the next ten years. He added that it was then the fact that tlie utillties <br />wouid havP to be updated was agreed upon and that now, when it was time far it to <br />happen> the citizens were against it and asked why the cltlzens had not been present <br />when the Comprehensive Plan was written to glve their optnions then. He added that <br />if the preJecC is not approved, deveiopment wi11 ha1t. <br />Mr. Sargeant replled that he had not had time to attend the m~:etings previausty but <br />that he was there naw to speak out aga9nst the profect and say he couldn't afford <br />i t. <br />Phyiiis Scott, 5100 Red Oak Orive stated that the citizens had voted the Cm~ncil- <br />members in to represent the citizens and tha.t she felt they should stop khe pro- <br />,~ect since the citizens did not want it. <br />Mr. McCarthy stated Chat Mounds View taxes are already tow so the tax payers did <br />not need commercial development to help tt~em. He added that the Comnission Meml~ers <br />were there to rQpresent the peop]e and urged them to stap Pro~ect 3978-I. <br />Councilmember Baumgartner stated that he was eTected to represent the people and <br />that he did Y,ave the best interests of the people in mind. Ne added that the study <br />was conducted to determine what wouTd be best for the City a~~d that Pro,~ect 1978-1 <br />was the conclusi~n. He stated Lhat the study could be f9Yed and pul7ed out at a <br />iater date but that the cost and need foi• the pro,~ect ~vould undoubtedly increase <br />if iL w~s postponed. Councl7member Baumyartner also pointed out that each City <br />~ ~i~s required to do a Comprehensive N7an, and that the need for the pro,~ect was one <br />`a/ of the resutts of Mounds W ew's Comprehensive Plan. <br />