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' PPLICE~92NG9 OF TF~ PIANNIN(3 QJM~TI&4ICN <br />~ CITY fF t~qUNDB VIEW <br />FA[~EDl CGpt~*PY~ FIII~II4F.S0~'1P. <br />A regutar meetinq uf the tY.~nde Viecv Planning Oa2miseion wae called to oxtiter at <br />7~30 PM rn MarCh 22, 1978 at the M~utde View City Hall, 2901 Highhmy 10, bbun3e <br />View~ l4lnt~eeo~a. <br />MElfIt70Y'E 1~'EBEllt.i <br />(y18i ~"~°Y8Ct1 F~B$~Cd <br />O.rtndseiai M~nber Maekeben <br />0.~-nisaim Menber Fedor <br />Ctrrtnl3aia~ Ma~ber Bm.~eister <br />a~ <br />Ox~miesirn Mmrber Blanchazd <br />Aleo Present: <br />O~UIIO~]]IItlf~7Er BdlERJ8Y'171PS <br />Building and Zaaing OfEicial tbes <br />MemUera Absent; <br />Cacmiesion PienUer Glazer <br />Ocmnisaion bkmber Foss <br />ci~airparsm Haake statecl that Canniseion bktnber Nbsa ~uld bc+ joining the meeting <br />at eppxc+otimately 8 z 00. <br />(~airparaat liaake aeked that the mitiutes of the Mazch 8, 1976 meeting be carrecte~i <br />tn xearS Ootmty Cuad J. rather tHart dounty I~sd T on page 2, and that PeCex Sen~~t'e <br />addxees be wzzected to 2268 ICrioll Drive rn page 3, at~d thati the motirn m page <br />'~,6 be chanqed b~ rnad local citizens rathar than vocal. <br />`~WtriciLrc~nber 8aisngaz~tner asked that the tl~ird L~aragraPh ai page 1, under Project <br />197a-1 be corrected to L+e~d a seven year stoxm ratt~er t,han 50 year. <br />NL4p (Bwaneister-Blanchazcil to appmve the 8, 197B minutes as carreeted. 5 ayes <br />e~u,roR s[IDO~asraa tm4~.~sm oF ~rnt ~;arsrno - 837a r?~~N,~ vxrxa.__ <br />OEficial Rose repozted that the applicant hazi first aulmitt,er7 hia request W the <br />City in 1977 end that the Plannim~ Qzemisaim first ~vl.ewed it ac~ Dece~bar lA, 1977 <br />attl that the Pla¢~n3mJ Oam~Lsaim k~ad reartm~.nded tha Oouucil deny it becauee oY. Yhe <br />autlots. Zt~e tXwncil aebed upon the requeat rn E~J~ruzuy 13, 1978 and ap(~nrnred a <br />pzel{minnr~. plat of Pleasant Acres includinq aN.y the pn,perty lnbellc~ H1oGc 3 in <br />t]1e pzcposed plat. and sta6ed that Bloclcs 1 aoxl 2 must be revieeei to ellmiuate all <br />outlots and reaulmttteci as a separate subdivision reqt~at. Thus,'the a~ppllcFattt w~s <br />be£are thE Plannim3 Oonmiesiazi again with a prelimin~y Plat wlthout the outlots. <br />Official Rr~e etated that the appllcanE mast be requixed to eulmit a letter Eran the <br />oomaca of Iat 4, Blodc 1 caneenting to the ~plihting of their pzoperty. Hc3 added <br />t2~at ha had tried tn oontact the awner withwt succesa. Official Ibse also stated <br />tlwt the Oa:nty haa ataGed that they will a~row a plattimj of non-adjoining <br />gxoperties as the plat xepresente, tl»ugh it is not usual. <br />0.~tmission Maaber Glazer joinEd the meeting at this time. <br />~~...i Me. Harstad atc+tad that all lots in the meet oode requiren~ts. <br />Ocwncilmenber Sawigartner explained that while Bl,ock 3 waa appraved for subdivision <br />