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May 24, 1978 Page 3 <br />~°`Ufficial Rose stated t1~at the additio~ would not be adding any impervlous surface <br />as the existing area is atready blacktop. <br />Cortmission Member Quao. asked what type of dreinage eysL•e~r would he used, Official <br />Ross t•eplied that Chey do h~ve an existing catch basin system which will take care <br />of the runoff. <br />MSP (Burmeister-Glaxer) to recomnend epproval of the building permit for Smith <br />Trensfer Por an 80'4" x 50' extension of the existing loading do:k with the <br />stipulation that the appiicant meet the originel plantings schedule and reptace <br />any dead or missing ptantings and maintain such ptanting<, 7 ayes <br />Cmm~ission Member Gtazer stated he felt R~assian Olives wuuld he the mnst desirable <br />p]anting. <br />CURB CUTS FOR JO1N7 DRIYEWAYS - SUNNYSIDE ROAD BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD H AND WOODCREST DRIVE <br />Off,~iai Rose r~ePorted tha~ a series of dup7exes located on the west side of Sunny- <br />side Road between County Road N and Woodcrest Drive had ~oint curb cuts installed <br />at the time of the street installations and to date, the driveways have never been <br />paved ared Staff, tugether wtth the housing code and driveway ordinance, is attempting <br />to require the paving of the driveways and a parking area. Staff is requlring it <br />pri~narily because of the grade and Cfie enormaus amount of sand which ie washed onto <br />the streets a~nually. Staff has re~earched Lhe pro~ect, the engineer's notes on the <br />'"'~ insCallation and the Council's minutes partaining to the pra~ect, and to date has <br />~~~not been ab1e to comprehend why ~oint curb cuts were installed. Upon requesting the <br />paving of the driveways, the owners have requested that they be able to have ~o9nt <br />driveways and curb cuts, Variances are required for drlveways which would ba <br />lxate~ closer Chan 5' to the property lines. It may have been ths inCention <br />af the City at Che time the profect was installed to a11ow foint cur~ cuts ar~d Staff <br />would request that it be elther reaffirmed, varisnces be granted or require the nwners <br />tu insta7l separate driveways to meet code rEquirements. <br />Official Rose added that in the past the Planning Gomnission has allowed abutting <br />driveways for single ~ami'iy usages. Staff at that time recomnended against it and <br />would do Lhe same for this request. Staff anticipates no serious problems with the <br />duplex usage versus tho single famity usage of ad~oining driveways. Also, ~oint <br />driveways of this nature could cause problems v~ith anow removal and pai•king <br />encroachment. <br />Conmission Member Fedor asked what the distnnce was between the houses. Official Kosa <br />replied tViat it was approximatety 60'. Chairperson Haake asked how large the lots <br />were. Official Rose repited that they var9ed from 99', 100' to 103'. <br />Mr. Helseth asked if there was an ordinance regarding how close the parking can be <br />from the duplex. Chairperson Haake stated that the ordinance is written to allow <br />asphalt right up to the bu9lding. <br />Comnission Member F?;dor stated that R-2 developments generaiiy are designed now to Pit <br />, into an R-1 nefghborhood and that a~oint drivee~ay wouTd not Pit in. He adr!ed that he <br />fett it would 2ook ]ike aparbnents or rental property. <br />~ Official Rase pointed out ~hat over half the rentat property nou is owner occupied. <br />