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June 14, 1978 <br />Page 2 <br />dAA the folluwing provision - that a postponement of the recording nnd developnent of <br />~ Jthe plat be required unt~1 the Ardan Avenue drainage system is relieved. 4~yas <br />REVIEW OF CHAPTER 40.06 - AREA AND BUILDING SIZE REGULATIONS <br />Chairperson Hsake reviewed th? memo the PSanning Commission received from Attarney <br />Meyers regarding the granting of variances for 1ot size. <br />Official Rose expleined that thE report from the Atterney states several cases <br />~here varlances may be granted only when the appllcant sustains the heavy burden <br />qf proaf of the resulting Nardship that a variance should be granted. He added <br />thaC personal or ecanomic hardship is not a substantial reas~n for granting a <br />Varlance. <br />Official Rose stated that it is the opinion of the Atturney and SCaff that the <br />ordinance sh4uld be changed tu altow smailer lat sizes and that Staft' has surveyad <br />surraunding cities to see what they allow. Official Rose reported that Fridley <br />allows 3,OU0 square feet for both interior and corner lots, versus Nuunds Vjews <br />11,000 square feet, and allows 75` interior lots, versus Mounds View 85' interiur <br />tots, and 80' corner lots, versias Mounds Views 100'. He added that Arden H171s <br />allows 14,0~0 square feet and 9b' fronLage f'or both interlor and cornet~ lots, <br />New Brlghtmi allows 76' Prontage and 10,00U square feet for both interlor and <br />corner lots, Spriny Lake Park allows 10,A00 square feet attd will grant a variance <br />if the lot was owned befare 1976 a.nd ca~ meet 70~ of the required frontage, or <br />,~ in essence, 53' of frontage. He added thet Blaine requires 80' of frontage and <br />i 'has no area requirement, while Brooklyn Park requires 75' o"r frontage for interior <br />~ lots and 90' for corner lots, and 9,500 square feet for interior lats and 10,b00 <br />square feet for corner lots. <br />Official Rose stated that after reviewing these requirements wlth the Attorney and <br />.itaPf,they would propose the C1ty add two sections to Chapter 40.O6,one which would <br />state that for a11 interior lots classified R-1, which are proposed for minor <br />subdivision, one 1ot into two, a variance can be granted whare the lot frontage will <br />not be less than 70% of the minimum 1ot width as stated in Subdivision B, Sectlon i, <br />and the totai lot area will be not less than 100% of the minimum square footage, as <br />stated in Subdivision B; Section 2, with the existing bui'Idings and any proposed <br />building development required to raeet a17 setback requirements. <br />Officiri Rose reported that the other propased change wou7d be that for a17 interior <br />lots classified R-1, which are preposed for minor subdivision, one tot into two, a <br />variance can be gr~anted where the lot frontage wi11 be not tess Chan 75 feet and the <br />total 1ot area wiil be not less than 100% of the minimum square footage as stated in <br />Subdivislon B, Section 2, with the existing buitdings and any proposed building <br />development required to meet a77 setback requirements. <br />Official Rose stated that with Lhe 70% width requirement, a 59.5' frontage would be <br />allowed. He added that Chapter 40.04, Subd7vision C states that any parcel which wa~ <br />recorded prior to May 9, 1960 which meets area requirements is bullAabie. Official <br />Rase also stated that in reviewing the area map of the City, he did not be7teve there <br />would be Rany instances wliere this wou7d be requested. <br />I,,~J Officia'I Rose steted that in the case of ma~or subdivisions, Staff was proposin9 that <br />59% of the lots wou7d have to meet all code requireraents, with the other 50% being <br />requlred to meet at least 9Q% of the requirements. Cha!roerson Haake sCaCed she would <br />like to discuss ust minor subdivisions at this time. Official Rose rep1iQd that it is <br />tne apinion of t~e attorney that ma~or subdivisions sho~ald be covered also. <br />