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November 29, 197d <br />r t•trs. Na2scn oE GL. Bt~~hati~o 9tro3t ocid that <br />~ ditah running through the properby. Duane Mo <br />Road, ateted thati 8ranoh S of Judicial Ditoh <br />tihat aree. <br />/"\ <br />~J <br />Page 6 <br />thare s:ae a 8zeins3= <br />Carty, 80G0 Y~ong Lake <br />N1 wae looare8 in <br />Commieeion Member eurmeieter queerioned if Mounde View hea a need <br />For more low inoome houeing. Commieeion Membar Foee naid #het <br />Meunde 9ie+w hnea~t any houeinq faatlitiee like the one propoesd. <br />Mr. ~io Certiy etnted that, ae nn axemple o! low inoome houeing, the <br />Commie~,ion ehould look at the houeing on Hrighton Lene, Red Onk <br /> and Eunnyaide Ran3 bet~veen CounCy Road H and Woodoreet Drive. <br />Thie ie not aotually l~w inonmo houeing, but they ere v~ood Preme <br />rentnl unitu whioh havo deteriorated dua ~o laok ot ma.~dtonenae. <br />Mr. Lunz eaid he felt that apnrEment type buildin~~ wouidn't Pit in <br />with the reet of 8t. Stephene Htireat, which ie n11 eingle Eamily <br />homea. He exnreeead aorwern that thl.e will lower the pro~erty <br />value oP hie homa. <br />Chairpereon Naak.9 pointed out that the prnperty ie preeently <br />aon9d R-3 ahd that there are apartment buildings to the eaet and <br />weet already. Chancoe are that the area would evenCually be <br />devuloped into apartment buildinge anyway, in whiah aaee the <br />townhouse type 8evelapmer.t deecribed in the let~.ex Erom Met <br />C,ounoil would probably be more aesthetically pleased bhan three <br />etory apartment buildings. <br />NEXT AGENDA AND PREVIOUB CITY COUNCIL RCTIOfTB <br />Iti wes neke8 iP there would be a P1.anning,Commieeion mee~:ing •, <br />durinq hte week between Christmas and Naw Yaar~s. Chairpexeon , <br />Haake said she did not know'Eor eure, but there woulfl be a meetiriy- <br />the sacond Wedneeday in Aeaember. <br />, ~ <br />ThA Commiseion membe~re and Mr. McCarty diecueaed the propoeed <br />airport expaneion in generel. <br />MSP (8urmeieter-Glazer) to adjourn the meeting at 9s3C p.m. <br />Asspsetfully submitted, <br />8haroxi Ackarmann <br />Reoording 8ecretary <br />~,i <br />