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1979-02-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-02-28 PC Minutes
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F46ruary 28, 1979 <br />Page 4 <br />Commiasion Memt~er Goebel agked whether the eaypurt Acros land <br />~ would support homes? <br />r <br />pfficial Rose responded that tihe land ia just as developabla ae <br />the land eround it. To date, everyone in the area haa paid hia <br />ehare on assesement~. It's only undevelopable to thP point that <br />tha City dnesn't want wet base~rtents or water running in the door. <br />Co~tisaion Member Goebel commanted that is just as ut~itealthy as <br />building too close to~ether. Some people do get better services <br />because o£ the location of their property. <br />Commission t9Amber Glazer cttated that anyL•ime anyone epeculates, <br />hoiding J.and and waii:ing to develop it, they are a riyk. <br />Commission M~mber Fodar suggested deleting the new Section 3 <br />regardinq the 150' minnr aubdivisions end replt~cing it with the <br />ald section excapt etata for "minor subdivision only" and make <br />two changas: replace the 1960 date with today's date and 150' <br />rather than 1,60' 2ots. <br />Official Rose skatefl that atill forcea the Ci.ty to grant a <br />variance for the Bayport Acres lots und any other aubdivielone <br />like it under a majc,r subdiviaion. <br />~ Commisaion Member Fosa asked 1E resurrectinq the old ordinance <br />i and leavinq the current Sgction 3 on minars would salve tha <br />gx~hlem. Cnmmtssion Member Fedor responded that it would <br />sc,ive the Bay.port Acras eubdiviaion w3thout requirinq a varianoo. <br />It wouldn't eolve the loophole in the minor subdivision ordinanne. <br />Chairperaon Hanke euggested that mayhe the minor subdivlelon <br />ordinance should be repealed. <br />Official Rone commented that the builder can develop on the <br />exiating land without subdividing. That co~ldn't be etapp~d without <br />a moratorium. Sta£f is trying to 2ook at tha whole pioture. <br />Theref~re, it was recomnended that tha developc,r come in under a <br />major subdivision so we could requira developmant aontfole. <br />Commisaion Member Goebel observed that if the Cammieslon doeen't <br />want to allow tha land t;o be developad bocause of envfranmental <br />reasona, then that should be fuced he•ad on at the tims~ the propooed <br />dovelopmec~t is pres9nted. TFe Commieaion is very c~mmitted to <br />tha 85' 1ots, which is admirable. Hut ik eeems that in tha oeee oF <br />the Bayport issue, it's r~ally a grandfathered al~usa that we ehoul8 <br />be honor3.ny and ere would not be aetting any precedent. It probahly <br />won't happen again, but i~ it doee occur again~ we would respaot <br />the granc3fa~hered clause. <br />MSP !Haake-Goebel) to reinatate the old zoning uode provisions ae <br />Chaptgr 40.06 Subdivtsion B (4)i <br />
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