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MOUNn9 VIBW PLANNINO tlOMMIBBxON Regular Meeting <br />Ne~a 4 August Y5, 1979 <br />•' ....................^..•..^.•..°...~..-.^...,•-.^......•.-~---...-.-.^.__ <br />QO!EC: t!rUb~CC~ dk~lf tQ ;,ttr:~ A 11kh,~r tn <br />~ll,U.b, invl!!ps tham Go oome out ~om• tims in <br />!h~ h~xE kao w~~ko !or !h~ purpo~• ~f axplainipg <br />Eo Planqing Oommi~~ion th~ir proposad axpead- <br />iGUCA of t~d~Y~l lunda in th~ OiEy of riouade View. <br />AIl~t Ehi~~ apoth~Y m~~ting would b• propoead, <br />atp~r Pl~nqia4 Oomml~~ion ir pr~pared wich an <br />Und~keBandi~4 0! tha fln~nai~l ~nd othar Smpeate <br />ko the oomauntEy, Thi~ ~ould ba a pralude to <br />~ moYS R~naY~l publie maoting dpacificaliy <br />addr~ uod eo bhi~ qu~~eton, <br />Ch~itp~r~on Na~k• •tat~d tha n~xk Planning <br />QOp~L/b~60 me~Cing wl11 be E~pt. 5 at 7s30 P,M. <br />Huildiqp b ZOtlSpF 0llioi~l Ros• left the meeting <br />rt thlo tim~. <br />Ooeb~l msdo kh• moCiop, sucondad by Haake, to 2. APPROVAL'OP JULY 3 <br />rrmov lrom th• tabl• disnur~loa of Ju1y 3 minutee. AND JULY ltl, 1479 <br />9 eyes MINVTES ~ <br />0 nays <br />Ooob~l mad• !h• moCion, sscondad by Hlanchard, <br />~to approva th• miautas of July 3, 1979 ae corrected. <br />9 ayee <br />y. 0 aayc <br />(Ths oorr~ot~d end approved minubee of the July 3 <br />mseting are eC:aahad.) <br />~oab~l mad• ~ha motion, eecoadad by (ilaccr, to <br />aoaopt th• luly 18e 1979 miautee ae correeted. <br />9 ayae <br />0 oaye <br />(Th• corrneCed and approved mioutes of the July 18 , <br />me~ting •ra ateaahed.) <br />Ootbal augg~atsd the Comp. Plan updata should <br />addra~~ tha qvaetlon rf rubbish namoval. <br />Chairp~r~on Haake rtated any commente on Che <br />CUsrt~i Commi~sion report, chaptere 4-17, were <br />dua by Auguet 22. <br />HounCln made a general anaouncement thae aoy <br />Plaanlag Commlaeloa momber available foz thm <br />C1Cy Councl2 meetinge (aesoad and fuueth Moadeys) <br />~ lnvitad to attead. Goebel indic:ated he would <br />attaad tha naxt Couacil meetlag. <br />