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_^ ~ MOUN~S VIEH PLANNINQ COMMISSSON <br />Page-?-------'~'_---°------`--'----------'-°--- <br />Rose oxplained the applicant ahowe more then <br />Ct~a x~eyuired perking spaoee~ as well as the <br />~ required number of handiaapped epacee. Appli- <br />~,,,,.~/ cant propoees dauble otirh aute on Red Oak Drive. <br />Drive-up te,lien lanes alluw for stacking of five <br />vehiclee before Dlocking of axit(e) would cacur{ <br />thie appaare vrorkabis. 'h~aFfia ie a connern~ <br />and applinant ie working on a traffic etudy to <br />be suLmitted at the next :;Leting. 9oreeniny <br />and buffering ia propoeed with a height of B <br />feet. and parking areea mee! minimum <br />aetback requlrementa. <br />Regu.lar Meeting <br />5eptember 19~ 1979 <br />------°--"-"------°--"--° °" <br /> <br />Staff Wae a9ked ta Furnieh names of neighboring <br />reaidenta in order that Sbhara Investmant Co, may <br />inform them af the propoeed developnent. A ~y :,, <br />public heaning xill Le hAld at '7~00 PM on Ockobar 3~ -~ ,'" ~ <br />1979, for the purpose of citi.zens input and infor-~ <br />matlon. <br />Quan inade the motion, eeconded by Hlanehard~ :o ' ,-~ <br />tab].e the Sahara Investment Company developinent <br />propost~l until tLa next meeting. ~ ,~ ,~ . <br />G ayea , <br />0 nays <br /> <br />~ Rose explained the applicant's request ta inetall ' 4. CASE 37-79' <br />a 6~ x 12~ walk-in frmaxer on tho'irast eids oP his • CI{ARLSS HANSOtJ~ , <br />otore. Code etatee a 30~ aetbaak ie nequired for' , TOM THUMB STORE~ <br />a corner lot in a.H-3 area. Exieting structure hae 2408~~C0. RD. I~ <br />a subetandard aide yard ~etback of~26~ and,.with the' ~ '~ ~ <br />proposed freezer 6~ further into~the oetba6k, a 10~ ~ <br />variance ie needed. It appeare~that no 'vSaibility ., <br />problem would be created for traffia,an Co.~Rd. I ,, <br />It Wae emphasi:.ed, however, that there ie sufficient , <br />epace to the rear of the building for'this Freeaer. <br />Haneon atated he believed hie hard~hip wae that there ' <br />wae no placa,for accees to the freezer From'the in- <br />aida, and he would have to go outeide to use the' " <br />freazer. <br />Freemure made tha moYion, seconded by Burmeister, to <br />deny the request for variance fon Charles Haneon~s <br />Tom Thumb Stone at 2408 Couuty Road I, due to lack <br />of hardship'and the availability of'location for' <br />expansion Nithout the need of~a variance. <br />5 zyes <br />1 nay <br />(Nay vote: Fedor, because he didn~t sae any , <br />problem with vieibility caueed by a 6~ exteneton oP <br />~ the building.) <br />;~Pril'-- ~. <br />