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~ ' MOUNDB VTEW PLANNINO COMMI88ION Ragulor Maetiag <br />Paga 4 8aptember 19~ 1979 <br />""'...... "_'."""""""""' ."'."_""-"""'...""""""-_. <br />propo~ar ourb and guttar and landecaping. <br />Hoth p~rking sroa snd building maot minimuui <br />~~atb~ak raquir~maa¢~. Baeemanta--tho Oity <br />~* 'orlginrlly raquir~d 20' along tha oaet <br />proparty line for ecaees ta the watur tower. <br />AFCer dl~cueaing aith Yubllc Worke, !t ia <br />tha Oity's intent to obtein •aoase from the <br />top aorasr lot. UtlliGy and right-of-way <br />aseamant will be retained ee part of the <br />plaC, but vill nol be ueceeeary f~r ecceee <br />to the water ho~aer. Development agreement <br />vould aover the evaluaEloa oP paving, curb <br />end gutter, parking lot etriping and landecaping. <br />Blanchard made tha motion, eeconded by Burmeister, <br />!o rer.o~mend to Cauncil they apprave the elte <br />plan Eor devalopment ~f an offica/warehouee <br />facility on Lot 41 of M.V. I¢duetrial Park 43, <br />and to enter intu a developmant agraement <br />iucluding L~nding for curb aud guCCer, p&ving, <br />landecaping, and parking lot etriping. <br />6 ayee <br />0 naye <br />Rose explainad how Che propoeed correction liad <br />inadvertectly beea mada to the il/29/78 mi¢utee <br />prior to PLtlri0~6$ Commission epproval. 1ie <br />~ explai~ed khak no diaception was intended. <br />Rose inf~rmed Pla~ning Commieeion of the <br />probability of s meeting the sacond tlednaeday <br />of Octobor~ ae s+ell as tha firat Wednesday, <br />Cou¢cilmamber Foreluud statad that tha State <br />Dapt. w111 be giviag a 10-15 acre parcel batween <br />Long Lk. Rd. aad 35W apur (naCurel area) back <br />to the Rity. <br />quan stated he would ba intereetad in attendi¢g <br />tha upcomina confarence on Urban Soil Erroeion <br />6 Sedimant Control. Forslund advised hia to <br />coneact, the C~ty Administretor. <br />a0RR8CTI0N TO <br />il/29/78 MlNUTES <br />7. NBXT A6ENDA AND, <br />CtlUNCIL'ACTION6 <br />Fraemora mada the motion,"oeconded by Blanchard, 8. ADJG7RNMENT <br />to ad~ourn The meat~ng at 9:40 PM, <br />Reapectfully eubmitted, <br />~ <br />StQVea A. 'doea, <br />BuilAing & Zoniag Official <br />