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G~n~. , .. <br />;~, MOUNDS VIEW PLANNSNG COMMISSION <br />;~ Page 2 <br />f, .."-'-"-"'-""-°^--°'--"'-"-_--""---""~ <br />~ <br />~' ~~ The main area of dienueeion had to do with <br />: ii ,, j dralungn~ S,a., al~quaay of tho ponding 8*?89 an3 <br />d3kLng, rate of release of held watar in the event <br />of an abnormally heavy rainfall~ and installation <br />oP a new outlet of 899.0 vr lower as reaommended <br />by the BSEH report. <br />,. Mr. Fretag ragietered hie displeaeura aY having <br />to epend $2500 to eurvey the watar3hed dietriat <br />in order to determine how muah water goea to thn <br />etorage area. Ha funther stated that normally <br />the City providea thls information for him~ He <br />• said they would cooperate with the City's.require- <br />menta. <br />Regular Meeting <br />Deaember 19, 1979 <br />3. DYNAMIC DEVELOPERS (QOnt~) <br />~ <br />i{eake moved to racommend to Council approvai of <br />the development of tho two lote located at 7656 E~ <br />7fi58 4loodlawn DriJe into two four-plexea, as <br />ehown on the nite plan dated 12/4/79, presentad to <br />ua tonight, 12/19/79. The plan adheres to the~re- <br />quiremants of Reaolution #983. Th1s approval ie <br />' contingent upon tha following roquirementa baing <br />made: <br />1. Bonding 2etter of credit in the amount of <br />~ $10~000, <br />2. ConcreYe curb and aidewalke requirad. <br />3. Marked parking epaces. <br />4. Minimum 3 plantinge, 2" at breaet height <br />per lot. <br />5. Covenante oF joint usaga for accase on <br />~ eaoh lok for uae and maintenance in a Form <br />approved by the City Attornay. <br />6. .Addition of covenanted dikes to be plaaed <br />on eites ae presented on the aite plan. <br />7. Drainaga~~and plot plan indicate elevatione <br />, of ponda and buildinge be raised 1.5~ <br />higher. <br />8. " A 4~~ PVC drain b9 inetallei behind and <br />' between tbe proposed garagea with ponde <br />~ dra.'~.iitng at that point. <br />It was+seconded by Commiseion Member BSanchard. <br />The motion Failed. 3 ayee <br />5 nays <br />(Nay votes: McCarthy, Freemore, Fedor, <br />Burmeistar and Glazar) , <br />Gaebel moved to amend the motion that the 4" <br />PVC pfpe ahould have a check v< inaYalled to , <br />~ prevent re-entry of water from outsida the <br />property. It vas seconded by McCarthy. <br />8 ayas <br />Amendment fails because the main 0 naye <br />motion failed. <br />.. ~,, . , ,...... , <br />J~,,s, , .~,~R..;.. ;~•,:. <br />