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i5.`~~ <br />~ t}OUtiD9 VIEW PLANNINO COt4[i85I0N <br />. Page 6 <br />AEGIR,AR t~13TIN~ <br />Beptember 3~ 1980 <br />~ ---"--°-"-~'--'^"-"--'--------`-"°-..°"-_.,...__~-~`-'-~"-""'~°-..--'..r..'°-'_ <br />-.^s~ 4. (Paga 5, 4th yaragraph) ineert "exietine" to <br />identify the etetad metel ehed. <br />5. (Pega 5, 7th paregraph) edd to the end of [he <br />eantance '"'-,~, nflrkintt". <br />6. (Page 6~ 2nd paragraph) ehould read "A fu11 <br />ecrean feuce 6-8' hiah ae renuired bv code or landecape <br />technique to be applied alcag the eouth iot line which <br />abutte the xeeideneial prapexty . ." <br />lI6TION: <br />Warxen imada a motion, eeconded b~ IdeCarthy to appro~~a the <br />miaR~teo of Auguat 6, 1980, of the Plaanlag Commieelon, ae <br />amended. <br />Ayee-S <br />Naye-0 <br />Abeteniiones Pador (wae not preeeat at Che maeting) <br />M111er(wae not eworn in at ihe laet maeting) ~ <br />MOTION WAS CA1tRIHD. <br />Chaitpereoa Mountin notad that the recordiag eacretary 6. CONTENT ANO FOAMAT OF <br />~ad aeked the Comm.teeioa for epecific guidelinee ae Go Tf18 PLANNING COt44ISSi0N <br />tha coatent aad format of ehe Co~ieeion minutee. Thair MINUTR9 <br />auggaAtiopo ware~ <br />1. Sriefly itemize ma~ot pointe of diecueeion <br />2. 8tate co~ente the epplicante/aitizane provide <br />3. At tha end of the ~'_:^useion, tha Chairpgreon , <br />crill aek each Commlealoner ko briefly eu~eriza the ma.~or <br />pointe thay want to meka nota of. <br />4. Tba Commieeionere will alea c.~~.l attentioa to <br />tha eecretaxy if they waae a epacific polat included in <br />the minutee. <br />Ia genaral, however, eha Commide3on noted that thay were '~ <br />plenead nitt~ the current recordiag eecratery'e preperation ' <br />of th~e formal Plaaaing Commieaion minutee. <br /> of tha unapproved dity Council minutee will be 7. <br />dietributad to the Planaing Co~leoioa. The Plaaaiag <br />Commineion aleo will recaivad copiee of [ha unapproved <br />Co~iseiori minutee with their weekly packete. If any <br />Commieeionar wiehqa a final approvad cppy of eithar <br />the Citq Council or Plenaing Co~ieelo¢ minutee~ they <br />cea obeain them by requeet through StafE. (NOTEs Official <br />R06R W~~L heVe L'GO copies of thc iipal approved minutee <br />a[ eact~ ragulati Plenning Co~ieeioa maeting if a Commieeioaer <br />l''"~iehea ta have a copy at thar rime). <br />~O~ <br />COPIEB OF CITY COUNCIL AND <br />PLANNING COMNIISSION MINUTES <br />TO COMMIS3ION MEMBERS <br /> <br />[{k.., t-;e~..y.. , ..,. ,. <br />