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1981-02-04 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1981-02-04 PC Minutes
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MOUNUS VIOW PWNNING CODAtI55SON Ragular Meetittg <br />Page 3 Rebruary 4, 1981 <br />-° ^--°-------°°------------^--°--------'-'-----~---°'---------'-------`---^ <br />/` Chaiiparson Mountin direcYed Staff to provide <br />at the naxt aganda meeting some direction of the <br />accaptability of inclusion of tha paxk plan with <br />~et Council. <br />~rs. 8onin stated that when the road was installed <br />near tl~eir property st Pleasant Viaw Driva, sha <br />and har family decided thay wantad more privacy <br />auu thay moved out to 0ast Bethel whera thay have <br />residad the 2ast yasr. They ero now requesting a sub- <br />division of their lot located at 83A0 Pleasunt View <br />Urive to creata two l~ts (one being 80.55~ wide, <br />the otl~er baiug 95.62~ side}, <br />She furtl~er indicated that if the lots were eplit <br />into a 85' and 91.17~ lot, tha position of the <br />lotline would be less than 10~ from the aide of the <br />existing house. She felt• this would not only be a <br />potential proble~n in se111ng tha property, 6ut that <br />it wuuld also bo nn incunvonience to the future owners <br />to have tha house 5~ from tho lor,line. She statod <br />that several years ago, at the time of tha Rosonquist <br />additiw~ subdivision, the feeliag was that ona of the <br />lots in varianca to tha code would ba bettar than two <br />with a lesser variance from the 85'. <br />Commissionar Breske suggested to Mrs. Bonin to consider <br />nllo~ing the 5~ satbacks, theraby making one lot 85' <br />and the other lot 100' wide. Mrs. Bonin did not feel <br />this was ecceptable. She further stuted that if the <br />Commission was goinq to suggest this as their propo~al, <br />she wanted to get commants from her husband arid realtor <br />before discussing this in furthar deiail. <br />Chairperso,t M~untin noted that the propossl presented <br />by Commissionar 8raske would accomodata th91r (the <br />Bonin's) reauast whila still operating within the <br />parametars of the ordinance. The Commission was hes- <br />itant in creating lo•cs that wou13 bo subject tq futura <br />requasts for variances because of substan~ard fronteges~ <br />Some of the commissioners noted that Mrs. Bonin's <br />request for e veriance could possSbly be considerad a <br />hardship bocause her home at 8380 Pleasant View Drive <br />was positioned on that lot when no future division had <br />been anricipated. Other membars of tho Comm~sszon <br />felt it was not a hardship casa. <br />In conclusion, the commissioners commants ware: <br />Bres1•.o - He would like to seo tha lot at 85' <br />wi3i~~with a 5~ setback, howevar, upon hearing <br />Mrs. Bonin's comments and upon heaiing the <br />~ discussion with the Commission, ha would <br />considar supporting the request as prasented. <br />6. Minor Subdivision <br />(one lot into 2) <br />8380 Pleasant Viaw Drivs <br />Cesa 72-81 <br />
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