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1981-03-04 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1981-03-04 PC Minutes
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MOUNDS VIEW PLANNINO COMMI6SION Regulat Meetiqg <br />Pa$e~2'_.'-" '-._-'--- .~....4" "--^" -." '.'...'.-_"-'~'-Me~ch~4t_1981_ <br />Olacars 1~ Pg 2, add to hia ~tatameat uqder <br />Oommeqts from the Commiaeionere~ "He atated thet <br />khe populatfoa increaee of aoroe 1000 pereone up <br />~i to tha yeer 2000 clted !n Che Comp Blan wee <br />uarealietinelly low. He ssid theC a moxe realleEic <br />pro~ection would be about 500 pereoae per year on <br />tda basln of tha iccreaeee xe heve had over Che peak <br />30 yaare. Thiā¢ uould lead to an lnoreaea of poeslbly <br />10,000 pereone up to tha yeer 2000 which would leeve <br />tha ciCy waefully ehort of paxk aad open epaca !f <br />khe Fadaral poliay oE alloaing 10 acree of euah la¢d <br />Por uvery thouea¢d reeidente Were followed. He felt <br />thaG Ehe opportunitiea to acquire park laad are not <br />going to exier in yeara Co cnme aqd thet Che ciCy <br />ehould aggraseively pureub eay acquieltloa optiona <br />ava4lable to it." <br />2) PS 7, 4th paragraph, laet liee--otrike "in thie <br />p2an" aad lnaerr !!by Metropoliten Council in deCer- <br />mining that Hounde View'e Eair ehaYe of low and <br />moderaEa income houeing Se 220-250 unirs through 1990." <br />3) Pg 7, add to Lie reaeon for nay vote: "6peciflcally <br />tha plan ie e~eded vith goale and policy staeemante <br />that are almoet obeequioue with raepect to accomodating <br />regioaal low and modarete income wants. He did not'£eei <br />that it was aeaeeea.ry to ovaretate ehe commieeton'e <br />cenc?rn fos theee groupa ia order to act ia an even- <br />'~~, ha¢ded manuer or that it wae naceaeary to txy aad <br />(~,- imprees the Mat Coup~il wlCk euch wordiQg. He felt <br />that the plaq was the city'e and as euch, ik ehould <br />honaetly projact the needa end aEhitudas of ite populace." <br />Warren: Yg 6, Loeding/Warren'e moCion--c4e¢ge "outlet" <br />to "outlot". <br />HOTION/Becond: MeCartt~yOMiller moved to approve the 2-4-81 <br />minutes ae corrocted. ~ <br />7 ayee 0 aaye <br />Official Aoee reviewed the proposal. Mr. Jackeon <br />waa prneea¢ nad 4ad noChing to add. Comm3eef.oner.e <br />were concerned that thie property wae eurroucdad by <br />eingle family propert4ea. <br />Commente frcm the Commisaionere: <br />Breeke: Ha had no objections to tha rezoqing if <br />it wae in liqo with the Compreha¢aive Plan. <br />Flaeren: She atsted eha hae futura queetionm thet <br />will raquire soma further f.nvnstigatioa. <br />McCarthv: She aeked how reaidenta rrould have <br />accaeu eo ilwy 10. Mr. Jnckeon said Chera vould <br />be an exit to Nwy LO ae r~all aa a tura-around. <br />E. ; LoedlaA: He referred to Che Compreheneive Plaa <br />t~~~~ and pointed out that acceea ehould not ocaur <br />directly off the highasy. He uxpreesed concern <br />for the impact oa tha surrouud4ag R-1 propertiee. <br />lM07fI0N CASRISb. <br />3. Jamen 8. .lacksua, <br />2925 HighNay 10 <br />R-1 Co R-2 Rasonlag <br />(CSee ;3-81) ' <br />
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