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1981-04-01 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1981-04-01 PC Minutes
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PROCEE()IN45 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />CITY OF MIX1ND5 VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MlNNESOTA <br />Regular Meating <br />April 1, S~~Y <br />/''~ Ptounds Wew C1ty Naii <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds V9ew, MN 66112 <br />- ----°°--~---.-.-...-°--^-------------°-°.-..._._......._...°°°----...-... <br />The Mounda Y9ew Planning Camnt~slon was celled 1, Catt to Order <br />to ordnr aC 7:00 p.m. on Apr11 1, 1981, ~;ry <br />Chetrperaon Mountln. <br />Members Prasent: Comnissloners McCarChy, Glazer, 2. 'Ro11 Cet1 <br />arren, er, Breske, and Chelrpe non Mountin. <br />Aiso PrasenL: Councllmem6ers Blancherd and Forsiund; <br />en u ng and 2oning Officfal Rose. <br />7he eppiicant, dames 8. Jackson, Ss requesting 3. Pub11n Hearing - Praperty <br />rezoning from R-1 to'R-3 for his property ~ocated involved: ?935 Hwy. 10 <br />a t 2935 Hwy. 10. Rezoning R-1 to R-3. <br />(Medium denslty reside~tieij <br />Offtstal Rose esked thet those prasent for the publlc Cese 73-81 <br />heertng sign-in with Lhe1r name and address for the James 0. Jackson <br />r ecord. <br />Officiat Rose revlewed Lhe Vinnning Consideretlons. <br />Ha stat:d that the ~ppllosnt is requesting a use that <br />was consistant with the Comprehensive Plan Update. <br />~-= Mr. Jackson stated the~ the back portton of the <br />1ot, 1f KnollMOOd Has extended, c~utd be lefC as <br />R-2, and the front of tf~e 1ot on the Hlghway be <br />designaLed es R-3. <br />Robert Chestek, 8161 Spring Lake Road, stated that <br />the proposed rezoning ebuts itls proparty. Me esked <br />Nhet the 6-8 uM ts meant, Khat are Ehey proposing, <br />and Nhat kind of eccess ~vouid thera ~e. Ha sald <br />that he feets that thls land ahould be kept singi~ <br />Pemiiy units. He further esked iP Chey put a hause <br />o n tha beck, how close wouid St be to his properCy. <br />Chalrperson Mountln dlscussed present zoning on <br />Nlghway 30. She dlscussed the limiting of eomner- <br />c1a1 growLh along H1ghway 10. She further discussed <br />the transltlonal zaning an Hlghway 10. She discussed <br />tAe difTerent densities. She stnttd thai It th¢ <br />a pplleant were to deveinp the back of his properly, <br />he would heve to provl~ an acc~ss. <br />Mr. Chestek stnted thaC he feit thet this property <br />wes too sma17 for multipte famiiy. Officfal Rose <br />,/ discussed set beck requirements. He tptked about <br />e reA requlrements. <br />
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