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1981-04-01 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1981-04-01 PC Minutes
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t~ MOUN~S VIEW PLRMNINO CGMMISSI~N Reguiar Meeting <br />~ Page.Three-------------------°.-..--------------°-----°~-°------ April_1_-1981 <br />~ Cha~rnerson Mounttn dlscuas~d Lhe need for more <br />medlum densiLy housing wtthin tne ~ity. Furtiier~ <br />~~ thet Mr. Jack~on would heve to reteln or detein <br />weter runoff on hit ovm f1te. <br />The eecess on Hlghway l0 was discussed. Offtcial <br />Rofe aleted theL !he tend was epproxtmately 1.05 <br />acrea in size end further Lhet only one bullding <br />parmlt woutd be ieaued for one bu91d1ng. Mr. <br />Jeckson stated thet the a1:e of M s lot wes lU6' <br />wida and 609' deep. <br />Comnlssloner Merren esked Mr. 5,{ adin how he fglt <br />a baut Lhe extenslon of Knollvrood7 Mr. S,~odin <br />~ teted thet he felt thet Knollrrood woutd have to <br />be extended. Ne asked ebout the storm water <br />drelnege. Storm water contral wes dlseussed. <br />Comnlss1oner Glazer esked how many uM ts end size <br />of units the applicent wouid heve. Mr. Jackson <br />atated thrt 1~ would depend on the amount of land <br />tha! 1e rezoned. Tho 1ot ae is could heve 6 units. <br />He turther etstad ~~et he has not drawn a pieh. <br />Mr. Jaekton stated thet he would 11ke to meke 1t <br />kr~own that he vrould not abuL *.he townhauses to the <br />R -1 properiy owners homes. <br />~' Discusslon in tengLh to~k plece rvgerding Lhe <br />'~.i s p11tt1ng of zoning en the 1ot. ASso on Lhe <br />e xtenslon of Kno11v!ood end storm watep ponding. <br />Consensus of the Planning Comnission regarding <br />e reeommendatlon: <br />M~~Car~th : I~autd like the record held open unt11 <br />p pri1-16. 1981. <br />aleaer: Vbuld 11k4 further informetion, but is <br />w~Tl'~g ta lssue en opinlan. Further thet he <br />would not 11ke to keep the commerciel zoning <br />e11 the way on Highwey 10. Further would 11ke <br />to protect the lnternast proparty from hlgher <br />densltY encrm-chment. . <br />Werren: 4buld like the pubtic record held open <br />o~rther lnput - written comnents and ora1. <br />Mi11er: Wouid itke to continue the dlscussion at <br />e next agenda meet9ng. <br />Breake: Would like to act on tho lssue Lonlght. <br />~ ' McCarth : Steted thet she woutd like to have the <br />! ~ exec meesurement of the 1ot. <br />i Motlon Second: McCerthy/Mitler moved to hold the <br />f recor open unt11 4:U0 p.m. on Aprii 16, 1981, <br />tor Wrltten comme~ts lrom the resldents and <br />
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