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,/~ MOUNbB VIEW PLANNING COMMISSION <br />~ RESOLUTION N0. 16-81 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR TYSON TRUCI( LINES <br />WIiEREAS, the City has reviewed all requ3red Aubmisaion <br />materials from the developerj and <br />'AHEItEAS, all zoning aode requirements have been metj and <br />WH~REAS, the Cit,y cousulting enginaer has reviewed thia <br />development proposal and submitted a letter ~f approval aubject Co <br />conditions stated in the letterj and <br />WHEREA~, all developmen~ will occur abovo the 880 'to~oqraphl.c <br />contour elevntion which, per the Mounds View Industrial Park Develop- <br />ment Agreemant No. 79-29, is tlie edge of developable landj and <br />WHEREASo ecreening of the adjacent reaidential dietriat has, <br />f~, been provided thus meeting conditionnl use raquirementei <br />ti""~J NOW, THEREEORE, BE IT AESOLVED that the Mounds View P1¢nning <br />Commisaion reaommends approval of Tyson Truck Linea' request to the <br />Mounda View Cicy Council with the following consideratione: <br />1. A conditional uae permi~ be qranted for khe motor freight <br />terminal in an I-1 induatrial diatrict. <br />2. A devalopment agreement be drafted to includ4 the £ollow- <br />ing proviei,ona: <br />a) Exh:bita <br />1) sit9 plan tnodified to include extontions of <br />the noiae barrier along the west corner 18' <br />soutih <br />2) building plans and specifications <br />3) conditional use permit raquirement of a re- <br />view process for the Pollution Control AgEncy <br />noise level standards <br />4) legal deacription <br />5) grading and drainage plan <br />6) aecurity deposit for grading, landacapinq, <br />paving and atripinq <br />~• <br />