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,,_ <br />,~. <br />,~ <br />MOUNDS VIEW PLANNING ~UMMTSSION <br />~„~ RG90LUTTQN N0. 21-81 <br />~ CITY OC MOUND5 VILW <br />~~ COUt3TY OF RAMSEY <br />BTATE OF MINNESUTA <br />RL"80LtlTION RECOMMENDING p6FERRAL OL' ACTION ON THE MAJQR <br />6tlgDYVIBI~N REQUEST OF HARSTAD-TODq CONSTRUCTION COMBANY <br />(GREENFTELb ESTATES) <br />"~ WtlEREA9, Naratad-TOdd Conatruation Company has applied for <br />+ and requeated approval to subdivide three lote into 24 in the <br />epproximate area of Edgewood and Hiilview Poadi and <br />WH~REA9, @he Git•y of Mounda V3ew has edopted Ordinance 9301 <br />j „ etttitled, "An OYdinanoo Prohiblting Development of Private Wetlands <br />~n en Ynterim easis"~ snd <br />;~j <br />~ WNERCAB, thia Ordinance atatea that no plats or aubdivisione <br />,~ of private lande ehall be permitted during the interim pAr,.lodr and <br />WHERL*A9, the aite of the proposad majos eubdiviaion le <br />~ located in part or tot:ally within a designated wetland and is <br />eubjet:t to the regulstiona oE OrdinanqQ R3G1~ <br />__ NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RE90LVED that the Mounds View Plahning <br />Commieeion recommends'def.erral of action on thie propoaed major <br />subdivision untll Ordinanca N301 is rescinded and no lonqer in e£Eect. <br />Adopted thia 6th day o£ May, 1581. <br />,~ ,~ ATTESTs ~ <br />, Cha rperaon <br />~i, ~, , <br />(SGAL) ~ ~ <br />;"•' <br />, Bu ing an on ng c a. ~ <br />~ ' ~ ~ ;, <br />1.~r/ „ ~ _.. , ~ . , ~ ' ~ <br />~ ~ ',.~ , _ _, ~.',,. . , ~ . .~ <br />.. . - ~ . . . .., ~.,,,....~... .,.~ <br />. i_...~ .N.:Aaa . ~[5 r~~ln~ .~:n5~-+-i~:l'.r n:. M N.ll~.~ ~IV.:A. +~.YY:1 ~LL. ~ v.rr.n~a-,.51 .. ...:~.e.~ xrn n v. i:.:. ,~I'e~~F-:~~ { ~ <br />}n<^~.rfl' ~ ,(.~fr% <br />