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„~~..: <br />~ MOUNDS VIEW PLANNiNt; ~OMMI95IpN <br />~N RrsoLUTZON No, 23-&1 <br />CI'1'Y OF MOUNDS VIL•'W <br />~ COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RE90LUTION R~COMMENDIN6 ACTION ON THE MAJOR SUBllTVI8I0N <br />ti~QUEST OF RODCRT ET.GENEER (MOUNDS VIEW SQUARC PLAT) <br />;1 <br />,,. <br />i'y, <br />i, <br />~~ <br />WHEREAS, RobQrt Eigenear has applied for and reque~ted approvai <br />to subdivide one lot into 20 at County Rnad t and Edqewood Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, the appllcation far. subdivision was submitted to the <br />City of Mounds View on September 26, 1980, and to the Plannirty Commis- <br />sion for review ahortl}• thereafterj and <br />WHEREAS, the City oE Mounds View has adcpted O.rdinance #3C1 <br />cntitle3; !'Pn ?r.~?{.n~n~e arohibitina Dovelonment of Private Weblan3s <br />on an Int.aiim-Basie° Witl~ an efPcctive date o£ March 19, 1~JBlj 'and <br />WHEREAS, the site oE the propoaed mzjor'subdivision is located <br />partly w~thin a designated wetland and mostiy outside the wetland; <br />flOW, TNER~FORE, HG IT~R~SOI,VGD that the t4ounds View Planninq <br />Commission racommend to the City Council that this requeat be coneider,ed <br />with tha followin9 provieions: ~ <br />1) Platting be allowed only on that portion of land not <br />des~gnated as "wetland" by Ordinance k301j and <br />~ <br />2) Development be a~lowed on plattable land. <br />Adopted this 6th dag of May, 1981. <br />ATTEST:. <br />'.. <br />~ , _ CTiairperson <br />~. <br />t '1 <br />~~./ <br />-~~h-iiaw. ~~...n ....,.....~ vv_~. .......,i„ i .,. _~~.,~. ~ w..;.A~s . 5. a.u,. v ,t~ ..!'u a.. 4W.1~<3: ., ~..ilt~ ~ . <br />* .S~hY~C! ,.'-lg: <br />