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1981-07-01 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1981-07-01 PC Minutes
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Mounde YieW Plenniqg Comm~eeion July 1, 1931 <br />qagular Neeting Pags 3 <br />""_'~_'--'^.-~"'.' --~...."-^"-°' _._»..'_-.'-""-°-'~'"-'°_^~"^"' <br />Chairpereon Mounti.n etared rhat, Lf Che n0w etructura <br />uere not atCached, it would ba deomed aa acceeaory <br />~uilding raCher ehan e garage, Tha Krige fslt <br />that, !f dehached, it Would ba uttattrecCivn and <br />inconveninnC for the boat and other vehlclee <br />they wieh to etore. <br />Tho .:rigs aeked how many aiqnatures aere raquired <br />for a petition Eo change Ghe city code~ Chair- <br />pereon Mountin uxplained the procedure. <br />The Planqing Commieeion euggesCed perhape the <br />•xieting garaga couLd be converted to a ecrean- <br />porch which would acnomodate eome storege. <br />Motion/Sacondi Sreake/Andcreon to eabla the moClon <br />in order to allow Cha applicant additional time <br />(for poeeible change iq plans) ae requlred. <br />6 eyae <br />0 uaya <br />Chairpereon Mouatin read Reeolutlon 35-81 <br />Mz, Nathern a~d two poteutial buyere of the <br />proparty aere present. <br />Commiselonar McCartUy raqueetad that raquirameat <br />5"Acceee" ehould include that the preeent curb <br />cut be cloeed ia tha future when the propaeei <br />interior road ie developed whlch would a17.ow for <br />additio¢al parking epacae to meat code requiremeata. <br />Motion csrried <br />9. John Hatherp <br />Bilver Lk Rd & <br />Highway 10 <br />Davelopment Propoeal <br />Varlaace Request <br />Caee 44-81 <br />Tha Pla¢ning Commiesion requeatad to change Resolution <br />35-81 ae Follows: i) TPiird Whereas: "the number oY <br />parkiog epacee required ia 41 wh11a the site plau <br />provldae for 36;" 2)"9e it further rasolvad that the <br />Mounda View Pleaniag Commiseioa hereby grante the <br />variance of Ei~e parking specee......" <br />Hr. Nnthern aeked £or clarisication abouY the water <br />sarvice 6ookup. Adminietrator Pauley read fram tha <br />8ngineere Report that Ghe weter earvica ehould be <br />connected to the axisting 6" vaeer main (ensuring <br />adaquate fi.rn pxotection). <br />Hotion/Second: MeCarthy/Warren to approve ReeoluEion <br />35-81..~ (Raeolution iu attachad.) <br />6 ayoe <br />0 naye <br />Motion narrled. <br />Chairmnn'u Aeuort: The Juaa 17, 1981 Age¢da 10. Diacuee PeaC <br />Meering wee held mi[h the following membera Counc7.2 Aca~.on <br />••"*orneont: Warzen, Andexeon, McCarthy, Braske, 8 Next Ageada <br />4 ~iillex, Mountin, ae well as Offlcial Roee aad <br />~~Councilmamber Porelued. ~AbsenC: Glaeer}. ' <br />
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