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x' Mounda Viaw Planning Cowniseion Octobez 7, 1981 <br />? Reguler Meating Pxga Two <br />~ --------^-----------------------------------------------------••----------- <br />r ~airperson Mountin etated that when the <br />Planning Cotmniesion diecuased the requeet at the <br />firet hearing, and again at their laet agenda <br />eeseion, thay had talkad about the intent of <br />tha coda, and while thay feel tha convareion of <br />the garage into a family room ie well within ehe <br />intent oF the code, the 30' setback ie for eaEety <br />reaaona. 5he added that they had directad Staf£ <br />to prepare a resolution, and read the proposed <br />resolue4on, adding Minneaota Statute 394.27, <br />Su6. 7, <br />Mr. H~elle stated ha did not agree wiGh tha eafety <br />saneidaratione, Chairperson Mountin explaitted the <br />inten~ of the coda ie to prot¢ct end that there xre <br />trade-offe in remodoling. <br />Thera was considerable diacueeion amonQ the <br />Cammiaeionere regarding the languege of the resolu- <br />tion and whather the County definition of a hard- <br />ehip ahould be usad. <br />Motion Second; McCarthy/Warren to adopt Resolu- <br />t on o. - 1, with tha addltion of Minnesota <br />~,~^6)tatute 394.27, Sub. 7. <br />~-~5 ayee 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Offiaial Roee reported that thia was the firat 6. Kraus-Andezeon, Tr.c, <br />phase of the final etage of the PUD approval, Property Involved: <br />and reviewed the propoaed plaa, County Road I <br /> Development Proposal <br />Terr Foater of Kraus-Andereon added that <br />y , (Office Building - <br />the buildinge were pla~ed ae they were due 20,000 Sq. Ft.) <br />to the eoil conditions. B-2 Dietrict <br /> Case 95-81 <br />There was diecuseion among tha Commiseioners <br />regarding the propoeed plan, with the queations <br />being rais:d if any wetlands would fall in the <br />parking lot, if the buildinge aould be ehifted <br />at ell to al,low for more parking epacee, what <br />the buildinge would be used for, whether all <br />the parking apaces were aatually needed or if <br />additional landscapin~ could be put in, whether <br />it wae poeeible to not tar all the parking spacea <br />at thia time and edd them later iP needed, if a <br />m~re porous parking eurface could be ueed, how <br />doep the ponding arex would be, end whether <br />the intent o.f ~Qtnt parking is being met. <br />l~fi.c~al Roea responded that the Kraus-Ander- <br />eon development doee not Eall into the <br />moriCOrium ee it was bafore ehe Ciey bafore <br />the moritorium wae impoead, Mr, Foeter , <br />