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Mounds View Planning Coum~isaion November 4, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />--°------------~_.,~-~------°-°--~-----------~------------------~-~------- <br />~ <br />t wae noted thee tizere wes no one pree~nt to <br />"repreeont the applicant, It wae eleo nntsd that <br />the Planning Coromieeion received a copy of the <br />leCter from Mr. Orville Adair, and OfEicial <br />Rnae's reply Co him, datPd Novamber 4, 1981. <br />Motion 8econdi MeCarthy/Braeka Co edopt <br />eeo ut on o. 41-BI. <br />b ayes 0 naye ~ Motion CaYriad <br />Motion Seaond: McCarehy/Warren that the <br />ann ng om`mieeion recommend to the Council <br />that a 2etter be inaerted in the contractor'e <br />file, Ken ~aviF Aaphalt Drivawey Company, and <br />thaC his permiC fee b? doubled. <br />6 ayes U naya Motion Carried <br />Canaern was expreseed L•hat 3ouble-feeing the <br />contractor would raeult in a higher coet to <br />the cuetomera, or residenCS of Mounds View, <br />bnt it wee clarified that the double-fee would <br />be £or the one perm{t 3n quxation only, with <br />~'"~he resident moat Iikely having already paid <br />~he contractor in full. <br />Motion Secor.d: Mi1Zer/McCarthy to adopt 6. Adopt Planning <br />eao ut on o. 42-81. Gommieaion Resolution <br />No, 42-81, Establiah- <br />6 ayee 0 naya ~ ing Meeting and <br />Timeline Schedule <br />for 1982 <br />Motion Carried <br />Chairpereon Mountin xecommended ttominating a <br />vice chairman for Che Planning Commiaeion. <br />Motion Second: Warren/Miller to appoint <br />Co~ ss oner Gene Mderaon ae vice cha~cman <br />oE the Planning Commission. <br />6 ayee 0 naye Motion Csrried <br />Official Rose anawered questi.ons from the 7. Discuee Paet Council <br />Commieoionera on past ar.tionethe City Council Action and Next Agenda <br />tced taken. as reflected in their minuCes of <br />~ tober 26, 1981. <br />~fSotion/Sesond: Warren/Miller to achedule a <br />s~pec~.a meat ng ott Novewber 7, 198I, from <br />8-11 AM, for a catcE~-up work seeeinn. <br />6 aye~ 0 n~ye ~ Moti.on Carried <br />_ ., . <br />~v~:r. „ ~ _, ... _ .. ,. . . __ . .. ~ <br /> <br />