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<br />MOUNDS VIEW .liANNING COMMI5SION <br />RESOLUTION N0. 42-a2 <br />~ CITY OF MOUNOS VIEW <br />COUNTY OC RI~MS~Y <br />_ STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />ESTABLISNING MEETSNG AND TIMBLINE SUBMISSION DATES FOR 1982 <br />WHERFAS, tha Mounda View Planning Commisaion will be holding <br />one reqular maetinq per mont:h durinq 1992~ and <br />WNEREAS, the Planning Commiasion has requasted to roview regu- <br />lar meeting agendn itema at their agonda session, two weeks prior. to <br />the reqular meeting~ and <br />WHEREAS, Staff needs ampl.e time to pr.epare reports for the <br />Planning Comrnission's reviews and <br />WHEREAS, developers, citizens ur other interested paxtiec sltould <br />be advised of deadlines far materials used by Staff to prepare a report <br />and uaed by the Planninq Commissioners to decide on a particular cleve- <br />lopment iasuet and <br />WHEREAS, that a display ot meeting datee~ and submisaion deadline <br />dates be established to provida at~ orderly system for use by the Plan- <br />ning Commissioh, Staff and the general public; <br />~ NOW, TH£REFORE, 9E IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commiasion of <br />~~ <br />the City of Mounda View establtshes meeting and submission timetable <br />datea aetting deadllnes Eor submission of materials for,regular meetings <br />and agenda sesaione oE the Plannfng Commisalon and also setting the <br />daties of the reqular meel:inga and aye~da sessic~ns themsalvoaJ <br />BE IT FUATHER RESOLVED that Exh,ibi.L• #1 become an inteqraL part <br />of thia resolution; and <br />8E IT FURTHCR RESOLVED that if thA Planninq Commisaion is <br />requi.refl to or desirea to hold special meetings, they will do so in <br />accordance with State law, Code requirements and bylawct. <br />Adopted this 4th day of November, 1981, <br />ATTEST: <br />(SEAL) <br />~ <br />,~v~_ <br />g oi~ng O~fic a <br />C a p on <br />~ <br />_ -~~ <br />, <br />Bu n an S <br />~..----......_ ... ~ <br />_~~,:_ ._.. ._ , <br />