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Mounds View Plantting Commiseion April 7, 1982 <br />Regular Meat~n~ Page Two <br />--~ °-----------~-------------~------~--------------------~---------- <br />'1 <br />~ <br />i~3ot~ion~'~Sswondi ;dnrren/Linke to adOpt R90e1Vt~on <br />No, 44-tl2. <br />6 ayes 0 nays <br />Off;t.atal Roee reported the Planning Commiesion <br />had previouely raceivad an informational paclcat <br />from Marvin Andereon Aomes, alot:g with another <br />submiseion Chie evening, He explained the <br />City had entered into an agreement with Kraus/ <br />Andareon and M&E ReaJ.ty in September 1980, <br />regarding development of the aub~ect area, and <br />Marv Andereon Homes has eince decidad that the <br />typa of houeing they hnd proposeri aay not be <br />as ~iablr L-o sell as the~ had thought, and <br />they nr.e now proposing e~.lan o.E eight uni.t <br />con3ominiums. <br />Fred Haas, Vice Presiclent of Marvin Andereon <br />Homea, explained that aEter receiving the origirial <br />approval from the City for their development, they <br />had put up eigne and advesCieed the development <br />to geC salee inquiries, ~:ith the majoritq of the <br />intereated parties looking for housing in the <br />$70-80,000 price range. He explained thut the <br />ori 3na1 plan had called for trwnhomes etarting <br />at ~128,000, so they are now proposing the <br />con3ominium plan which thay fael wili meet tlie <br />aeede of s wide range of people. He added ehat <br />they do plan to keep the quality of the tznits <br />up, attd aze now plar.ning 16J condominiume on <br />the site that would havc houaed 104 towrthouees, <br />wiCh the condomini~ms uaing 3/10 of att acra lesa <br />land that the townhousee, thus leaving more open <br />space. <br />Mr. 'Haas atated the con~lominiwne will start at <br />$70,000, He added that there are same ma,~or <br />trees in Lha area and wieh condomintume, ehe <br />land ie ttot platted, so they can ehift them <br />while building to save ae many treea ae possible, <br />He also reportad the condominiuwa caa liave full <br />basements, with eome being walkouts, nnd all the <br />units will have a double Earage on each end. <br />Concsrn wae expreseed by the Plonnirtg Co~nission <br />that the area might look ltl:e ona large driveway, <br />Mr. Y.r~ae explained thaL each unit wfll be heavily <br />lendeceped, ae well ae the road being curved, <br />and the unite have four different elavatinne, <br />with nine diffarent colora. He aleo etated they <br />plan on eetting tham back 35' from the road, which <br />wi11 allow ample area to see oncam3ng traffic. He <br />aLao explainad the condominium aseociation will bs <br />in charge oE enow removal, with the anow to be <br />Motion Carriad <br />6, Marvin H. Andereon <br />Homee, Proparty <br />Involved: Appro- <br />ximately 2600 <br />Highway 1Q, Plenned <br />UniC Development, <br />Revieion of Deve~op- <br />ment Plan, Tract A, <br />Regiatered Lend <br />Survey ~k360, <br />Case 85-b1 <br />