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• hlou;ide View Planning Commlesion <br />Requ.lar Meeting <br />-~ is a fence approximately 4' high. He added he <br />would be using only the exietinq lighting, ae <br />wall as the two seourity lighta that are prasently <br />there. <br />Motion/Second: Miller/Linke to adopt Resulution <br />~~'4-"8~'- <br />5 ayas 1 nap <br />Chairman Mountin statad that while she is not <br />oppoaed to Mr. Alexandar's operation, ehe f~els <br />ehe ehould be coneietent with her previoue vating <br />reoord, and felt the proposal was not in compliance <br />with the Comprehanoive Plan, and t~o heavy a use to <br />be adjaaent to R-1 property, with Mr. Alaxander <br />already having a reasonable use of the property. <br />April 7, 1982 <br />Pag'e 4 <br />Motion carried <br />Chairman Mnuntin reported the attandeea at the 8. Chairman's Report <br />March 17 workahop were ~ommiesioners .T,inke, <br />Anderaon, MoCarthy, Miller and Mountin. <br />Membere pre~ent at the Maroh 24 agenda seesion <br />were. Commisaioners Andereon, Linka, Breske and <br />~-~, MeCarthy and Offioial Roee, with Commisaionere <br />Warren~ Miller an3 Mountic havin~ excused abp`ances. <br />` J/ <br />Councilmember Foralund reported hhe wetlanda atufly <br />hearing had been held, and reported on the resulte. <br />She also reportad the City wou=d be hiring a part- <br />time engineer to pull the wetlands ordinance <br />toqether, along with the atorm wai:er management <br />plan. She added he wi17. be £or a aix montk <br />period. <br />Off:cial Rose updated the Planning Commisaton on <br />the s'tatus oE the Code raview. He atated tho <br />r,orrectioxie have been made and queations answered, <br />and it will be ready for typing soon. He reaommended <br />the Planninq Commisaion atill address antannas and <br />wi~d qenerators. He nlso recommended they mee*. 3n <br />two weeko fox a combined work seasion and agenda, <br />sesaion on April 19. <br />Discyss Pant <br />Council Action <br />and tVext AgenBa <br />Motion/Second: Anderson/Miller to adjourn the 10. Adjournment <br />meetinq at 8c59 PM. <br />6 ayes 0 nays Motion oarried <br />~"` Respeatfully submitted, <br />~/~ <br />Steven A. Roae <br />Building & Zoning Of£icial <br />