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Mounde View Planniny Cammiesion <br />Ragular Meoting <br />---------------------°--------~-------- <br />Official Rose reviewed tha applicanti's proposal. <br />~ Thara wa~a no ona present to represent the applicant. <br />Councilmember F~rslund stated eha had to leave tho <br />meeting to attend a f.amiiy funetion. <br />Motiun Second: McCarthy/Anderson to table dis- <br />cuse on an e variance request for 2091 Terrace <br />Drive. <br />l ayea 0 nays <br />~.~/ <br />May 5~ 1982 <br />Page Three <br />6. Mr. & Mrs. <br />Ar.thur poelz, <br />2091 Terraae Dr., <br />Varianoe ttequest <br />(Front Yard Seb•• <br />back), R-1 Single <br />Family Zone <br />Case 107-82 <br />Motion Carried <br />Councilmember Forslund answered quest.lona from i. Di.ecusa Paet <br />the Planning Commiseion regarding what had Counoil Acticn <br />occurred at the last Councii meeting. Chairman and Next ]1gan4a <br />Mountin requested that the Plaaning Commieuinners <br />r.ecoive copie~ of• the Council's upcoming agendas, <br />so they will know what is being discussed beforahand. <br />Counai2mamber Foralund 3nformed the Planning <br />Commission that as of the June 2, 1982, Plann3ng <br />Commisaion meeting, there will be a change in Staff <br />responeibilities. Upon questioning from the Planning <br />Commission, ahe stated that the new City Engineer, <br />John Johnaon, wae doing the implementation of tha <br />reorganization and she was not sure how it would <br />afEect the Plunninq Commiesion, <br />Chairrnan i~iountin stated ahe £elt the Planning Commis-- <br />sion ehould be inc'luded in any reorganization dis- <br />cueaiona, as they appear to bo directly affected. <br />ShQ stated the Planninq Commisaion does have input <br />to give the Counei.l, and she f.eala the Council has <br />left the Planaing Commission'totally in the dark, <br />and they would like to be invited to discuss the <br />iesued with the Cauncil. <br />Chairman Mountin etated the Commiasion would <br />like to get togeChor with the Council to diecuse the <br />Ckiapter 40 roview, and reoommended t.he Council come <br />to a Planning Commission agenda eassion, where it <br />could'be the oniy topic on the agenda. <br />Councilmamber Forslund left ttie meeting at 9:07 Pid. <br />Motion Second: Warren/MCCarthy to remove the agenda 6, (Continued) <br />from t e a e. <br />7 ayes 0 nayn <br />Motian Carried <br />