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Mounda View Planning Cormoiseion June 2, 1982 <br />Regulax MeaCing Page Thzee <br />-°-------°----------°-------------------------------------------------- <br />~ MoCion 3econd: Linke/Anderaon to have a publ~c <br />n ormat ona maeting on Chapter 40, on July 7, <br />1982, prior to adoption. <br />6 ayes 0 nays <br />CNatrman Mountin directed Sta£f to eand a notice <br />to the Nea Brighton Bul.letin, after the meeting <br />with the City Counci L 8he eaked also theC the <br />informational meeting be posted on tha e3gn board <br />outside City Hall, and that StafE prepere a emall <br />awmnary of vm at hae baen done, and what changes <br />have been made, to be preeented at the meeting. <br />There wae diecuaeion amottg Che Commissionars of <br />some oF the areae of concern that have come to <br />their attention, euch ae policing and enforcing <br />ordinanoes. <br />Chairman Mountin reported the attandees at the May <br />19, 1982 agenda seeaion had been Commisstonere <br />Linke, MoCarthy , Mixler, Andereon and Mountin, <br />and Councilmember Forelund, Building and Zoning <br />OfEiciel Rosa, Pub3.ic Works/Community Developm~:it <br />DirecCOr Johneon and <br />Techaician Kampel. It svae noted that Co~iesionors <br />9reske and Warren had been sbeent and excusad. <br />Txchnl.r.ian Kampel reviewed the upcoming items f.or <br />the naxt agenda eession. <br />Chaixmen Mountin stated that tha regular .Tune 16 <br />agenda meeting will be moved to June 23, with June <br />16 being set aside to maet with the Council, or <br />vice verea, i,f it works out better for the Council, <br />and ti~at t'ha dates be poeted. <br />Chairman Mountin asked that eome type of writeen <br />atatement on tlie planning Comuiasion's findings wiien <br />r~viawing a caeu be made to the Counei.l when tha <br />caae r~echee them, and also included in the minutes. <br />Mayor McCarty repliad thr~[ thay have £ound the reeo- <br />lutions eo 6s comp lete and adequate. He also stated <br />that the Counail liaieon usually will state the <br />Commiveion'e ~indinge. He sr'.ded ha would discuss it <br />with the Council. <br />Motion Carried <br />Dlacues Past <br />Council Nctinn <br />and Next Ageada <br />~/ <br />