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1982-07-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1982-07-07 PC Minutes
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,. <br />Mounda Viaw Planning Commiaeion July 7, 1982 <br />Regulaz Maeting Page Two <br />-----°----°-----------------------------°----^----^~---°-------°------ <br />~"~~ Teohniuian Kamp~al explainad thar there araa confuei.on <br />regardiug the east/waet praparty 11nee, but the back <br />lot linee, running north/eouth, are correct. <br />Mr. Hlerr added ha haa a certified ourvay, ehowing <br />~where hie prope!r.Cy linee are. <br />Acting Chaixman Sreske askad Staff to check into <br />addttions and improvemente menCioned by Mr. Belford <br />to s~e if tha property linee are in order, and $at <br />back to Mr, Belford, Technician Rampel explained <br />that any front or baak yard additione would not <br />have infringed upoe the aide ynrd aetbacke, and <br />thue would have been approved without gatting into <br />the problem of the eaet/west properr.y li.nes, <br />AcCing Chafrman Breske polled Che Commissionere <br />for their thoughtn on the proposed developmettt. <br />Thair coffi¢ente included that other than finding <br />a way to rectify the 10' diffexence, they felt <br />tha developer had agreed and done everything that <br />had baen aeked of him, that there was atill some <br />ueetion concarning the revised drainage calcu- <br />~ation, and that the Riee Creek Watershed Distsict <br />had aeked that approval be tabled unkil nn emarAencp <br />- flow plen lias been aubmitted. <br />~-~ Technician Kempel po3nted aut theC approval cou].d <br />h~ given, contingene ugon the deve7.oper <br />cextain xequirem~snts set by the Planning Commission, <br />Acting Chairman $reske otated he did not want to <br />hold back the development for inai$nificant reaeona, <br />but ha felt there were eQVeral ar.eae Co be addreesed <br />still, those beittg a decisi.on on the curba, on snow <br />remova7., a decision from the Rice Creelc Watexahed <br />District on overf2ow„ the 1500 gallon per minute <br />capaci.ty ~rater malLn, the Fire Aepsrtment o d¢aieion <br />on a knook-down b~rrier, Che nort~. building being <br />mnvad back, a valid acceso parmit to Nighway 10, and <br />an eaaement ta the propexty to r.he eaee. <br />Technician Kempel explained Chae undex Lha RUD pxoceas, <br />the Planning Commission must acC withtn 60 daqs, <br />giviug thuir :aport ar.d reccemmendaCiott to the C~,ty <br />Council, Ha added that tf the item ie tabled, it <br />could still be reviewad at the Auguet 4 maetAng and Ra~1 <br />within the 60 day period. Ha added that the CRtp <br />Council has 30 days Prom i.e's receipt Prom the Pianning <br />Commisaion to hold a public kearin8 and act on the <br />recomnendation. He sr.ated that undex a CUP, ehe Planning <br />Coumiaeion hae 60 daqs from it's Piret regular meeting <br />; to mske a recoamnendation to the Council, whiah wonld <br />'- given them untti tha SaptemLer 1 <br />
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