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1982-09-01 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1982-09-01 PC Minutes
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iY . , <br />Mbunde Vie~a Comniaei~n Saptembar 1, 1982 <br />Regula~ Maezing Page Ta~o <br />----------------------------------°---------------°------°------------- <br />kttoak-down bairier hae been verbally approved by <br />~ the Fire Degartment, for a railroed typa barrier, <br />with the formal plane to go to them up~on receipt <br />from the,developez'g engine~er; the 40 distance <br />from tha nnxthe`rn Juilding to the nozth property <br />line now meets eaeback requirementst and a valid <br />accese permit to Fiighway 10 hae been verbally <br />approved by MnDOT. <br />James DuHanedet, the engineer for the deveZopmpnt, <br />scaeed MnDOT appro~~al had 9.ust been received in <br />the mail, and preeented Technician Kempel with a <br />copy. <br />Motion Second: Linke/Anderson to remove Case <br />rom h e table. <br />4 eyes 0 nay~a MotSon Carried <br />Mr. Herr wae given a copy of proposed Resolution <br />No. 56-82. <br />lleug Dindorf, 2901 Oakwood Drive, aeked k*ho woulrl <br />ba respunsibie for anow removal. Technician Kampel <br />xep~.Led thR hame ow~eere aosociation vrould be. <br />~ Chairman l~auntin,added thaC t,he eanaw wi.ll be can- <br />~ tained on the proparCy, and it is felt there ie <br />edeqnaCe atorage apace for i~. <br />The Planning asked Mr. Herr how much <br />open epace would nnw be availabla, how the home <br />owners aesociation would operate, and ~ahethhr the <br />property ownere are ind3vidnnliy tsxed on the <br />proparL•y <br />Mr. lleBanedet replied the oyen space would be <br />157' . Mx. Hsrr eacplained how tiie home nwnera <br />aeeociacion wo~ild operate, etating that by <br />Minneeota statute, the~ heve the right to fila <br />a lien oa anyone in araars for 30 daya, and at <br />60 days have th~e right to foreoloee on the <br />propPrty, se11 it and collect the daae. He <br />explained that they will lat the contract fax <br />enow removal, and will use a front loader and <br />pil~e tha cnow an the bufEer zone. He also <br />etated they will carry a blankat hazard and <br />lisbilicy policy and vrill accese each homa <br />own~r a monthly charge, <br />Chairman Mountia aeked if the City conld requtra <br />a perfozmance bond fxom the hame ownera aesocia- <br />tion to aseure L•here are no problema with anow ~ <br />~j removal. Technician Kamnel replied it could be <br />dealt wieh in the development agreement. <br />Mr. Herr also expl$ined that the property otanera <br />
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