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, ~;:,,~ ;; , ~ . <br />MOUNp3 VIEW PLANNING COMMISSION <br />~ pPSDLUT:tON N0. b2-62 <br />~ <br />_. CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNGSOTA <br />RE80LUTION RECOMMENDYNG TNE AMENDING OF CHAPTER 40 OF TH~ <br />MOUND6 VIEW MUNICIPAL CODE REGAAOINCi HOME OCCUPATION9 <br />WHERFAS, both khe City AtCornoy and City Counoil havs <br />recommended t•hat the Planniny Commission review tha City's present <br />Ho:ne Occupation sectlon of the zaning Coder and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commieaion aees the neQd~to ptoVide <br />roaidonta with tha opportunity to have occupaf:ions in the homej and <br />WHEREAS, numerous cihizons ars preaenl:ly engaged in Hame <br />occupntiionei an3 <br />i4HEltEAS, the Planninq Commission recommenda tha City Yagulate <br />Home Occupations ao as to maintaln the regidentSal charaoter of <br />neighborhooda and avoid incompatability of usesj and <br />~ WHEREAS~ the Ylanntng Commiselon has reviewed the Home Oaanpa- <br />tion aectiona oP the codes of various oh.her communitiesJ <br />NOW, THEREFOR£, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mounds View Planning, <br />Commiaeion reoommends the amenclin9 0£ Chsptc,z'.40 oE the Mounda Vi.ew <br />Muniaipal Code by the Eollowing lanquagea 1 <br />(1) Chapter 90.02 Rules and Defi.nit3ona. <br />Subd: B(50) Home Ocau atlon. Any occupation which ia , <br />clearly 3ecnn ary o e ma n use of the pzemisea as a <br />dWellittg and does hot ahanqe the oharacter. theraot. <br />~ f40.10, Subd. C(3)) <br />(2) Chapter 40.10 H-1, Single Familv Reeidentinl DistrSct. <br />Subd. C The following are permitted accessory usen ia <br />an a-1 Diatrict; <br />(3) Nome Occu ations. The regulation of homo oceupa- <br />'tions w t in residential structurea is intendad to <br />insure that the occupational uBe irs~:learly acceasory <br />or aecondary to the principal dwa111ng use and that <br />aompatability with aurrounding rasidential uaea 1e <br />maintatned. N~o hqme occupation ahall be a].lowod whlch: <br />"""~ a) Involvas amployeos other than peraons reeidipg <br />~ ~ on the premisea~ <br />I <br />