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RN;i.~~,,..; .. - .. <br />' .~ '=r .. ia µn:, <br />MOUNDS VIGW PLRNNINU COMMISSION <br />r"~ RESOLUTION N0. 72-83 <br />t~STY nr MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY 6F RMSSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RE50LUTION RGCUMM~NDING TliE AMENDING OF <br />CHRPTEri 32 SNTITL6D, "THE PLANNING COMMISSION" <br />WNGRGAS, the Mnunds Viaw City Council requi:eA kha~ all <br />chapters oE the Mounds View Municipal Code be raviawed at least <br />once ovory two (2); and <br />WHF.REAS, the t4ounda View Planning Commisaion has met and' <br />reviewed Chapter 327 <br />~ NOW, THCREFORC, HE PP RCSOLVF.D that the Mounde View Planning <br />coRmiasion reco~nmeuds to the City Council ehe Pol~.owing ravisians <br />to Chaptar 32 of the Mounds View Municipal Code entitled, "The <br />,Flanning Commi.ssion"s <br />' 32.05, Subdivision 4, shull bQ amended to read as follows~ <br />32.05, Subdivision 4. Il laws Recorde. 2'hd Commis~ion sliall <br />adopt bylaNS £or its governance an or . e ransack.lon of its bus3- <br />--~ ness. The bvlaws shall be revi.ewed on an annual basis aL tha first <br />tct u,.a+. ~~~v-c~.i~~ +.~~ cauauna n io..~i~.a~~y ~awia..aay~ wi~~+ ~~iay ua <br />rocommen u y the Plann nc~~Commiesion for nnPointment,,sna11 keep a <br />record o£ attendance at Commission meetinge, a r9cord of rosolutiona, <br />l•ransactions, findinga, and detorminations, and a record of the votes <br />and abstentio~ia on each question requiring a vote. The record of the <br />Commission shall be a public record. , <br />32.07 ahall be amanded ko read as follows: <br />32.07 Re arts. Ak-bHe-§aek-~egu~ae-mee~ing-e€-phe-6eaM~~~~4n <br />Beeember-e£-ese -yearT-the-6emmfes4en-eha}}-eubx+~t-e-reperE-ef-fte- <br />we~h-~lu~#pq-ppo-presed#ng-yea~r Tho City Council'm-ay request an annu <br />reoort from the Plannina Commiasion of t~s work durlna khe orecedina <br />32.09 shall be amended to read as follows: <br />32.09 Vacancies. <br />Subdivision l. Ramoval From Office. An appointed member of <br />the Comm asion may e removo from off ce for just cause an3 on <br />written chacgee by at least four/fifths vote oE the entire City <br />~~ Council, but such member shall be ontitled to a public,hearing be£ore <br />, such v~te is taken. Ir. addition, an appointed member may ba removed <br />'~,,/ for non-attendance at Planning Commiseion meetings ae provided in the <br />by-laws adqpted by the Planning Commission. It ehall'be the duty oE <br />j the Chairman of the Commission to notify the City Council promptly <br />_ ~ ... . ........ .........: -;, .t <br />