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:~~.:.,. , <br />Hounde View Plnnning Cot~iseion January 5, 1983 <br />, Regu],ax T;eeting Page Thrae <br />---------------------------------------.._--------------------°---°----- <br />~ Mr, Erke atated he felt hie proposal would be a <br />~ favorehle addition to Mounds View. <br />Chsirman Mountin pointed out the proposed devalop- <br />ment would require an amendmant to the Comprehaneiae <br />Plan. <br />Mr. Erka informed the Commiseion that his closing <br />is set for March 4, and the purchaae agreament is <br />contingent upon the proper approval baing received <br />I from the City, <br />It wae the concensus o£ tha Commiesionere that the <br />propodal ahould be diecussed furthar Mr. Erke <br />at the next ugenda sessian. Thep askad thet Dir. <br />Erke be provided with the pertinent uscCiun of the <br /> I'lan, ae pertains to inis xrea. They <br />aleo advised him tltiat if ha wuuld like Staff to <br />prepare a planning report, it would require a <br />foxtinal application. <br />Motion Seaond: Miller/McCarthy to return to the <br />agen a. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />r~ <br />~~ Hotion Second: ~IcCarthy/Mi11er te table the 8. Elec'tion of <br />e ect on o t e vice-chai.r uttt11 tha February Vice-Chair <br />meeting, when a].1 membera are preeent. <br />4 ayae 0 naye Motion Carried <br />~ There .wae considerable 3lsauasion ~nosag the 9. Chapter 32 - <br />Commiaeioners as to suggested changee to the The Planning <br />~ existing Chapter 32.' Co~iseion <br />Review an3 <br />' Motion Se~ond: McCarthy/Warren to have Staff Reconmendation <br />~ repar~pution No. 72-83, for Chapter 32, to City Council <br />~ baoed upun their changes. <br />4 ayae , U nays Motion Carried <br />Thera wae disr_vseion amang the Coffiissionera, 10. Review o~ <br />- ae to chHngee made to Chapter 32, in con,~unction Sylawa <br />with the review of the bylawa. <br />Mation Second: McCsrtiiy/ to amend the <br />,~ y aevs w t t e insertion of Item 10, <br />~j 4 ayea 0 nays Motion Carxied <br />'The Co~iseioners diecusaed 32.07, which requires <br />a report fxom the Planning Commiasiun the Council <br />at the end of each year. <br />