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~,: <br />~; <br />~ <br />t~oMnds View Ylanning Commiseion May 18, 1983 <br />• '9peaial Meetinq Pt~ge two <br />C~uncilmember Blanchard mentioned that the publia 6. Diaouse Pset <br />~earing for the IIabineki propoeal will be held on Council Aation <br />[onday, May 2~, 1983. It wae aleo noted that tl~e and Next Aqende <br />Mayor would 11ke a clerification an the Planning <br />Commiae~.on's recommendation to rezone the Babtnaki <br />propoeal Erom R-1 to R-3. <br />M.~otion Sac~ond~ Warren/Quick to note to the City <br />Council that a reaommendation to rezone the Habineki <br />proposal from A-1 to R-3 was based on the fact that <br />an R-3 zone ie aonaiatant with the approved nnd <br />adopted Comprehenaivo Plan whioh etatee Mediwn Den- <br />eity. In ndditi~n, adoptsd Reeolution No. 76-83 <br />11ets all aupport 3ata whiah the Planninq CommfesS.on <br />uaed in making ite findings. <br />7 ayes 9 nays Moticn Cnxx~ed <br />Chairman Mountin repurted the uttendoes at the May 7. C2~airman's <br />12th spaoial workehop meeting Nere Report <br />puick, Millar, Warren, Mountin, Counoilmember <br />Blanchard, Tdohniaian Kampel and Public P7orka/ <br />Community nevelopment Direotor Johneon. <br />echnician Kampel reported thak ~ir. ::en 9ourke is 8. 3taSf, Report <br />~akinq the Planninq Commission to ccnsi3er £orwe.rding <br />'"~'deaolution No. 74-83 to the c:ity rounall pri~r to <br />approval of the minutee which would take place on <br />Jun3 1, 1983. Resol~tion No. 74-83 wae adopted at <br />the May 4, 1983 meeting and ik recommended, approval <br />of a minor subdivieion at H249 Spring Lake Roed: <br />Motion Second: Forslund/Warren to direot staff to <br />~rwar aaeo Ution No. 74-83 to the City Counail <br />prior ~o approval o£ the minutes. <br />6 nyee 0 nays Motion Carr.iad <br />(COmmiasitlner McCarthy abetained from the vote as ' <br />ahe wee not present at the May 4, 1983 maetinq.) <br />Motion Second= McCarthy/puiok to adjourn the maeting 9. Hd~ourrunent <br />at s22 p.m. <br />7 ayee 0 naye Motion Cnrried <br />I '~;7 <br />Reepectfully eubmltted, <br />Fr,ank J. ISampel <br />Engineering/Planninq Technician <br />__. .<. -,- . :,.~:,~v <br />