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1983-08-17 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1983-08-17 PC Minutes
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RGSOLUTIUN N0. 44-83 <br />Page Two <br />~ WIIIiRLA3~ [h~ Planntng Commlaeion hae adoptod !texoLutLon <br />~-- No. 93-87 approving tha Four variancce llsted abovn contingunt <br />upon the City Counc[1 approving the mtnor subdiviel.on combining <br />the ewo extsting 2ote into one; end <br />NIt~t2~A5, aince only ouc prlncipnl 6uilding ie allowed per <br />lot and Ln order for Chapter 48 to apply, the combinatLOn of the <br />two ezieting lota into one 1.a necessary; end <br />WHEREAS, stnce the oxieting xoning of the property is R-9, <br />Medium Denaity Residential, a rezoning to R-4, Iiigh beneity fleai~ <br />dentinl~ ie requlred Eor the proposed use; nnd <br />WIIEllEAS~ a in being recommended alnca the <br />intended uee of the property Se conaleCent with the Co~nprehenelve <br />Plan deaignation; and <br />WHGRBAS, the requiremente of CMapter 49A relating Cn <br />on-site etorxge of water have been met, xccording Co the C1ty <br />Engineer; <br />N04l, THBRENORE, BE IT RESOLVED Chat tha Mounda Vlew <br />Plenning Commiseiort recommends to the C1,ty Couucil approval of a <br />minor aubdivSelon combining the tao lote under coneideration into <br />'. ode; <br />~ <br />~-- BE ZT BURTHER RESOLVEU that the Planning Commiaeion <br />recammenda to the Clty Council approvnl nf a rezoning of the <br />property From R-3, Medium Denuity Residential to R-4, !!!gh <br />Denaity Reaidantial; , <br />, BE IT BURTHLR RESOLVED thah the Planning Commisaion slso <br />reconmends to the City Cour.cil thnt a conditional uae permit ba <br />gcantad for the F1Yling of a portion of C}~e Fluod plnin, eince <br />Che proposed filling wlll not alter ehe tlood heighc by a meaeur- <br />eble emount; ~ ' - ~ <br />~ <br />BE IT FURTI{ER IL~504VEA that the Planning Commiseion also <br />recommende to the City Council that Che followirtg items be <br />Sncluded with hhe weelande al[eration permit: <br />~~ 1j Cpnveyence oF an easemant over the ~rea within the <br />9Q3 contour for drainage purpoaea. ' ~ <br />E) Dia~:hnrge criteria ae outll.ned Sn 48.06, S~bdivlsion <br />3(c) paregrapha 3, ~i~ 5 and 6. <br />3) A Cime limit be set fur ti~e completxort of the pro~ect, <br />Sn no event to exceed 12 mqnthu from tf~e deCe of <br />, iseuencc of the permit. <br />~~~/ <br />,._... .,. ,,. ....,.,. .,.,....,..,. . . ...,..:. . .,..: •„ . , ~..., .,: ~ ..:.::,~.. ,.~, ~ ::,;.a .. , ~~ ~- : .; _;?~. <br />
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