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Mounde View Planning Commieeion October 5, 1983 <br />~egular AfeeCing Page Two <br />~----~-------~-^----------------------------------------^------^------- <br />%~ Mr. ~ialinaki etatod hQ had iiothi.nE to ndd to Tech- <br />nici~n Kampel's xeport. <br />Motion^Second: Forelund/Miller to adopt Raeolution <br />o. , reco~nending approval of Planning Cage <br />No. 142-83, a pinor eubdi•vieion. <br />5 ayee 0 nays M~~ion Carried <br />Technician Kampel informad Mx. Zielineki the item <br />would bo placad on the Council's October 1) agenda <br />eseaion, and formally on theix October 24 agenda, <br />for acti~n. <br />t5otian `3~tcud: Anderson(ForAlund T.o ~et the item 6. Overni~ht Yark- <br />as e or ecuesion latex. ing Diecusoion <br />5 ayee 0 na/e Motion Carried <br />Counr.iLnember Slanchard informed the Commiee3nnera 7. Diecuee Past <br />that Che Met Coune~.l t~ad made a presentation ho Council Action <br />the Council at their lae~ agenda aesaion, on and Next Agenda <br />"Where Will Our Children Live", and that the <br />~a^.:.~ci1 ±`E~ t!t wnuld be he1p4u1 .for. the <br />~~ Planning Camnisaionera iP thsy also saw I.C, <br />°`r-~' eince the Coffinisaion is on Chapter 40, <br />Wttile aev~ral Camnisetonexs had already viewed <br />eimi.lnx' pxeeRntationa, they directed Sta£f ko <br />find out iE tha preeentation cnulcY be made <br />at ths next agenda aeseion. <br />Councilmember Slanchaxr8 stated Chat Dtz'eetor <br />lohnson had recoffiapnded that the Plannitng <br />Cammieaion inPorm the Council theq ar~ Pa17,£ng <br />beriind on the time lines eetabliehed for <br />Chapter k0 review. <br />Commiseioner Miller aeked hhe statua o~ the wetlande ' <br />mecstinge concarning the Mi11er property, Councti- <br />membez Blanchard repl~.ed the Council wi11 be estttng ' <br />• a public hearing, and wi11 have to change the map <br />srnnewhat, due to Ynfor,mation that hae come ~n'Rrom <br />+~he coneultante that were hixad. <br />Chairman Mountin reported the atitendees ac thz 8, Chai:rman'a <br />5eptember 21 wozk aeseion were Cammiea4onere ReporC <br />Mil.ler, :Porelund and and Technician Ksmpel. <br />The attendaes of the joint CLty Council/Planning <br />~'~ Cormnisaion maating on SeptemUex 29 wer.e Council <br />membexs Linka, Blanchard, Loty, Bankngr and <br />MeCerL•y, Planning Coamiissionere Quick, Andereon, <br />